July 31st, 2008.

I’m in one of my favourite places on one of my favourite days. I Love my open mic, I Love Thursdays. I’m wearing my favourite shirt. Happy Bejeesus Day from the Jackelope!!!

Unfortunately, I’ve spend the whole day fighting with my computer, upgrading some systems and trying to WISH my hard drive bigger. I have a couple of deadlines staring me in the face, rapid-firing their concerns at me and I’m a little worried that I won’t get everything done.

Still, it’s kind of fun to be this stressed out. It reminds me of working under deadline with Japan in Glovia, or something.

Morning keeps coming too swift and I’m kind of cursing the invasiveness of the sunlight,creeping around my blinds and prying at my eyeballs. I’m ready to roll over and go back to sleep but when I roll over on THIS side the part of my head that I hit on a ukulele display hook yesterday cries out in a bit of agony and when I roll over on THIS side my jaw hurts, presumably from clenching it in a dream last night and when I roll over THAT way there comes the sun, galumphing eagerly into my brain pan like a happy, over-sized puppy. Perhaps a St Bernard? Ready and eager to nuzzle me awake with God-awful warmth.

At least the sun ain’t moist.

But that was morning. This is afternoon. My head feels better. I’m still tired. I’m worried that I’m somehow MORE colourblind than normal. Mew.

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