I’m sitting at Java Mammas, working my way through the completion of John Thayer’s CD artwork. It’s going to be awesome if I do say so myself – I just hope it manages to get done in time for his theoretical deadline – his father’s birthday.
Sigh – it reminds me that my father never got to hear the Fifth Circle. We were so proud of that and it became increasingly obvious that it wouldn’t be done before he died.
Java Mammas is a different animal during the day. Pop music playing through the speakers, couples with their children wandering in and out, purchasing coffee drinks and running, high school kids outside reading books – especially on a day like today with the perfect sunshine and the perfect weather, I’m wishing I’d gotten here earlier to let the day flow over me in all this light. I forget to leave the basement sometimes, so much work can be done sitting in my little hole…
Thursday night this place was full of noise and chaos. It was our first year anniversary and our first songwriter’s night – about a dozen people with their “sandstorm Love affair” pieces – some (like Ash and Heather) with them memorized and performed to perfection and some (like me) reading off the paper and playing in the wrong key and barely eking out their performance. It was tricky, but by the end of the thing we were all pretty pleased with and I think we’re all excited for next month’s “disappearing friends” songs. On the one hand i’d better get started, on the other hand, honestly my song went through SO MUCH rewriting within the last 24 hours part of me doesn’t want to be bothered with it till then.
I found toads! I can’t keep them and so I transplant them, bringing them home to be admired by Heather before releasing them once again unto the wilds.
Ah, focused creative procrastination. I’m a master.

Trevor is amazing. He helped me with my Behringer problem. I learned muchly about power tools and soldering. I’m not very good at the latter but I got a lot better, fast.