It’s a beautiful morning. And quite frankly, we’ve had a couple of beautiful nights… we played outside yesterday at the Bethesda Farmer’s Market, ignored by most, Loved by a few – but other than those couple of hours of brutal heat and battering sunshine, most of the last two weeks have been accompanied by breeze and light and perfect temperatures. I know it’s a lie, but with Renaissance Festival gear coming into the shop and every night making me wish I could run off and throw myself into leaf piles, there’s the sense that summer’s finally coming to an end and that autumn could be just around the corner.
I generally enjoy filming cable shows – and this one was no exception – though there seemed a lot of signs threatening pain and death if we did things wrong.
Heather and Rowan and my guitar prepping for the filming of David Eisner’s Coffeehouse cable show somewhere in Rockville, MD. It was a lot of fun but I was a little disappointed when they told us the stage didn’t actually rotate.
Yesterday though, with the sun’s energies radiating back off the brick beneath us, I was sweating directly into my guitar and mourning the way she responds to such things. My Lovely Alvarez, so good in the cooler climes, was slowly stretching, drinking the water from the air until it was all I could do to get first position chords sans buzz. That wears the fingers thin quite swiftly.
One last hot gasp of air and maybe we’ll see the tail end of my least favourite month. We’ll enter the frolic and beauty of fall – travel for a while, get some writing done.
One of the things that the show in Bethesda reminded me of (other than the need for keeping ice in my pants) was that it would be really, really great if we could daisy chain our speakers. It’s been a source of angst for a while but I was semi-resigned to Living with it until I got to talking to my friend Trevor about rewiring them. – SO after the show I headed over to his workshop and he showed me how to do the work and then sometimes redid what I did but mostly schooled me pretty well as I rebuilt our Behringer rig into something a little more useful.
Monitors for us! Woo HOO!
Last night, almost to regain my self-confidence after feeling like crap in Bethesda, I went out to the Red House Tavern open mic with my friend Meg Bowen. Cool Baltimore air at least made the walk from my car to the bar really pleasant (parking sucked) and the bar itself was a LOT more fun than the last time i was there some four years before. A new owner has taken over and built a little stage – and I really liked the people i met.
Of course, a lot of that had to do with Meg who seems to know everyone everywhere and I wonder how much Heather would hate coming here, getting hit on by the various barflies, etc. But maybe we could make something nice happen… we don’t HAVE a home in the city and at least this place has good food.
Okay, well – I guess it’s time to open the store. Wish me luck and lack of children! s h u d d e r.