I’m dismantling furniture in the midst of Heather’s ancestors – and it’s strange to think that a vast majority of the dust that I’m kicking up must be the dead skin of her grandparents. I have good / bad days when I believe they can see me and I hope they’re not heartbroken as what was their home gets repurposed. I’d like to believe that the dead understand that the world continues for the Living – and would be glad to see their things move on to hands that appreciate them and that they’d be glad to know that where they Lived doesn’t become some mausoleum, but rather a space that continues to bustle with Life. We eat and rustle and Live and Love.
Award-winning singer/songwriter Michael Berkowitz upside down performing much-needed Star Destroyer maintenance. I think it’s good to know that many of my musical community are as guilty of geeky as I – and in the case of Michael, if his spectacular Lego collection points to anything, he’s got way more cred that I do.
And then, the woman takes over. Ah, Erica, construct the Executor so that Darth need no longer walk .
We’re About 9 – Save Anna. Fatigue, depression, age. I’m glorying in my darker moods and moving things back and forth and leaving my own trails in the dust.
Ah, what I can’t do with a Philips head screwdriver.
Tonight we’re playing at the Oneness School in Bethesda, MD – we fast forward there. Joel Pomerantz is “local colour” and probably one of the biggest supporters of local music in the area. He Loves it, pushes it with everything he’s got – and tonight almost every detail of the show has fallen through at the last moment. Two days ago I agreed to provide sound – and today it turns out that he and I will be providing all the set up and tear down manpower as well. The former was very easy, less trouble than either of us was expecting – and so I’m not overly fearful about teardown, but I know what it’s like to plan something to the last detail and then have everything go awry at the last second.
Je suis catchez el snako.
So, I woke up on the morning of 9/11 and went to the bathroom and was sitting there and thinking… “huh, that piece of molding is awfully snakey”…. and then I thought “huh, Heather wouldn’t leave a little rubber snake in the bathroom”…. and then… I went and brushed my teeth and the molding went all like “slurp”. So…. I chased it a little bit and lost it under a cabinet. I came upstairs and rumaged for a good snake wrangling tool at which point Mara asked what I was doing… I told her “uhm… I’ll tell you if I’m successful” at which point I went back downstairs and promptly lost the beestie. I came back upstairs, admitted my defeat and got told to go back in to the basement and not to return without the snake. Fortunately, I spotted a tail sticking out from underneath a ceramic toilet brush holder and I snagged him. I brought him upstairs in a glass and we played with him for a bit. I Loved him… he was small and cute… and …. sigh…. then we let him go on the porch at which point he made a run for it. I Loved him so.
Well, tonight I’ve actually been kind of lackadaisical with the organization, knowing that most of the artists won’t give me any trouble and expecting a smallish night…. and so far so good, smooth and easy. Frankly, I often prefer something small enough where I can literally take care of everything. The room’s small enough that I can provide all the sound, the groups are small enough that they won’t be a lot of trouble to run noise for, the night’s short enough that I’m not panicking about staying conscious for the whole thing, not worried about being exhausted… I’m looking forward to the night.