September 19th, 2008.

Julian says “Fight the good fight” – it’s what you say to the losing side. it’s a very, very small audience tonight – and a lot of people leave before the end leaving ilyAIMY and Least Common Denominator playing to a denuded room. An angry neighbour complains to the police about the noise, plans to get in touch with the church that’s hosting the event. As much as I hate to say it, I don’t care because it’s not my problem. The tiny audience is enthusiastic and in a coffeehouse I’d be satisfied, but here, in a space built for believers and in a space large enough for no small number of them I’m embarrassed.

A lot of work. I actually can enjoy it for the sake of the music and the company until it’s rubbed in my face. Fortunately, most of the musicians take the night in stride – every professional has had a night like this, more than one… dozens… it’s the kind of night that makes you wonder WHAT you’re doing though. You’re trying your hardest and the biggest response you get is an angry parent who doesn’t bother asking you to keep it down first.

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