November 2nd, 2008.

I’m lonesome, sitting at Kafe Keoruac wishing i was more out-going without my guitar. The people here are beautiful and, if I can glean anything from the school-related conversations going on around me, very smart. I like smart beautiful people! Sometimes I think I’M a smart and beautiful person! We should totally hang out! Alas – it’s not destined to be and I shall remain the weird outsider at the coffeeshop where everyone seems to know everyone else.

I was planning on going to the open mic at a bar called Brew Stirs a little ways down the street, but as always, down-time saps my determination and the time change and my unexpectedly speedy arrival have allowed me three hours before the night begins here. Also a glimpse of the place has all of my usual prejudices about such places slamming into place. It looks like a dive, it’ll probably smell like a dive… without Heather, no-one’s going to car about me in such a place. WITH Heather at least I’d get a double-take.

Mewf. In any case, at this point most of me just wants to hang out at the coffeehouse and play Spore until I can go to my host’s house tonight. The cafe is full of the not-quite-hip, records, books, some Nancy Sinatra tunes and coffee and whiskey. If only they had music! Sigh – alas, it’s not in the cards… they even have Scrabble and comfortable chairs, though the former requires a friend and the latter are spoken for by the natives.

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