What a night. Nick of Jack Sprat? You get a billion points. The first million for booking us. Another million for booking Kapow!Music and another million for the Whiskey Smugglers – but then 997,000,000 bonus points for realizing that it was going to be an incredible night by combining all of our forces.
From the Indie “I ain’t gonna be amplified even though I soundchecked” walk-in performance of Kapow!Music to our own assault through to the end of the driving country bluetrash of the Whisker Smugglers (temporarily dubbed through a typo) I just really Loved the whole night. Even the food was great.
So Nick? You attach yourself to class! (before this he was the soundguy for the much-lamented now-demised George Washington Cafe in Concord, NC)
Even on our own we’d have made a decent showing of ourselves, but the Smugglers’ massive crowd of perky, friendly people filled up the bar – and not with drunken assholery. When the Smugglers used Salt N Peppa’s “Push It” as a soundcheck, we knew we were in the right camp of humans and, frankly, if we like the peeps in the band, generally we like their fans too.
We didn’t get back in till 3am or so and then Heather and Jamie and I had a three-way Zuma duel, which I’m not sure if any of us are proud of. Even though I came out the winner, the fact that this video game has been responsible for yet ANOTHER long night fills me with concern over the possibility that I’m a Zuma-addict and that eventually I’ll have to go to counseling to get my balls back in order.
In any case, I rose with PURPOSE this morning and have showered and have avoided looking at the clock. We’re going to go see an orchestral presentation of Loony Tunes in a bit and then drive on home… Friday’s episode of Battlestar is in my immediate future. Sharif has just about finished the bass on the album and we’ve scheduled (what we hope to be) our last two studio dates… now we just need a damned album title…