Send me money to end drunk driving. I mean… er… to end hunger in Africa? Stop AIDS? Perhaps together we can give everyone a home or at least a hot meal or a computer in every home.

We met Nick running sound at the George Washington Tavern in Concord, NC – and though now he’s the general manager and talent-buyer for Jack Sprat in Chapel Hill, NC, he still ran sound for us.

Heather and Jack Sprat’s door denizen and her human. Even loading out of the gig was fun because they were playing The Presidents of the United States of America’s self-titled album through the speakers inside and out and it’s fun to move gear while screaming “KITTY ON MY FOOT AND I WANT TO TOUCH IT!!!”
There are a lot of good causes out there – and a lot of amazing people supporting them. But there are so many bad people out there too, looking to prey on our dreams and our hopes, our desires to do the right thing and our wish to make a difference.

I can’t play bones even when I’ve GOT bones. So it makes sense that I couldn’t play them when they were knives either.
Everyday I check my email. Every week I check up on the band’s myspace page. I get phone calls from venues, press, other bands, singer/songwriters hoping for a break. And every time I receive some communique from someone I don’t know I’ve got to be wary.
Today it was a myspace message from Illumina Records. Don’t I deserve to have national recognition? Don’t I want to work for a good cause? Their Rock 4 Life Concerts are the answer to my prayers and dreams! I just have to book a venue and promote a show and they’ll do the rest! They’ll write me a press release and make an event poster and EVEN post the event to my city’s myspace page!!! (my city has a myspace page?)

On the way North from Wilmington, NC we had to stop at our favourite winery. Duplin County produces the sweetest awesome there is.
It’s not bad enough that we bomb the fuck out of one another and someone decided to have a rummage through my car because they were able. Venues try to screw you over and I’ve got to be careful because even other artists will steal from you if you’re not cautious. There are few do-gooders out there – and on top of everything else, I’ve got a company posing as a CHARITY trying to scam me out of a couple of hundred dollars – which I have to waste my time looking into because I’m so far down on the totem pole that I’ve GOT to look into every opportunity… nothing can be discarded out of hand – if there’s any chance of GETTING anywhere I owe it to myself and my friends and fans and most of all my BAND to follow up on it….
But truly. Sending spam to musicians hoping to get a couple of hundred dollars out of them for services you won’t deliver? CDbaby, your threads and forums are incalulable in their saving-my-ass value.