Another interesting night at Java Mammas. As the weather gets warmer we have more and more Incidents outside and I fear for my little coffeehouse sometimes. I find it such a shame that a place that has been so kind to so many and especially the open mic, which is attempting to be a haven for all sorts of different people, is being marred by…
Oh say it: by a bunch of bored kids. And maybe there was a time in my Life when I could’ve been one of them? And maybe the worries that they’re dealing drugs out of the parking lot are unfounded – and maybe people who think they’re going to steal things are vandalize the cars are merely paranoid, but it shouldn’t even be a problem.
Teenagers hanging out and making out and not being part of the business… isn’t that what malls are for?
See? It all just makes me sound old. Until there’s proof that there’s something actually going on they’re just loitering and I go back and forth as to how much that angers me. It DOES anger me that the police have so much trouble accomplishing something with it. That awful grey area of minors ALMOST getting themselves into trouble.
The open mic itself was kind of dissatisfying last night. Because of one thing and another, this is our last one through to April 23rd – and I guess if it was really a concern I should’ve made a bigger deal out of it – but as it was it was underpopulated and anticlimactic. I came home grumpy and not even French toast and weasel kept me from lying awake deep into the AM thinking “I should’ve said this… I should’ve done this”.
I worry that I’m a fearful and timid creature.