March 31st, 2009.

We’re wending our way home from the Venice Cafe, curving from interstate to interstate on a route we know by heart by now. Saint Louis is almost one of the cities I could navigate sans instruction – I could get in and out and through it easier than Washington, DC, certainly – though that has more to do with the confusing nature of the latter than my familiarity with the former. The Arch is ever ethereal and the only disappointment is the inevitably almost chunky atmosphere of smoke inside the bars.

Last night, performing at the Shanti was incredible and tonight, performing at the Venice Cafe was almost more about the visual than it was about the music. We played well, inciting dancing and even some wiggling – and hopefully some of those surrounding us tonight will make good on their promises to come out and see us at either the Stagger Inn or the Cabin Inn (all Inns… hrm)… Hell, there were those there from whom I wouldn’t have minded an invitation to an inn of some sort. Not that I’d indulge in road candy or anything…

Beautiful yet frightening – a thick fog descended upon us in Accident, MD as we rushed toward California, PA.

In any case, listening to hard rock and heavy metal, rain tentatively tapping on the windshield as we hasten to beat it home.

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