March 31st, 2009.

We’re counting down exits on our way to Columbia, Missouri after playing the open mic at the Saint Charles Coffeehouse in Saint Peters where we received one of our best introductions EVER. As we were entering the room, attempting to be quiet and unobtrusive at the back of an open mic obviously well in-progress, the host says something to the effect of “Get ready to wet yourselves as ilyAIMY, the best fucking acoustic duo you’ve ever seen. has just walked in”. That’s right up there with “ilyAIMY’s here to rip your faces off / melt them” all sorts of flattering things have been said – but generally we’ve already introduced ourselves.

rob plays Uke
I’m playing the ukulele that’s been sitting at Susan’s place all the years we’ve been here – but this time I knew how to tune it…. and out came the White Castle Out The Asshole song.

We’re in a very tight place right now. Completely sold-out of Between Lover and Twilight and with only five copies of the Fifth Circle left, we’re in dire straights with our merchandise. BLaT is on it’s way to us but I fear it’s going to wait on Susan’s doorstep while we’re in Columbia… I’m so frustrated with all of that. I think we’re actually NOT going to have ANY merchandise for our Rocheport show which is really, really bad.

This graffiti covered old building is part of the rundown eye candy that graces our entry into Saint Louis. We figured out how to get closer this time around so if we get any free time in the area we’ll have to go and explore.

Sigh. Money’s tight. That’s all there is to it – and it’s a source of huge stress.

This is as a good a way as any to introduce the whimsy that is the Venice Cafe in Saint Louis, MO.

But the open mic was a welcome diversion – not only were we very, very well-received – but there was someone else there that I was absolutely smitten with: a piano playing young woman with a voice that reminded me a LOT of a young(er) Amber Rubarth. She wrote good songs and was one of those people that makes you wish she was looking at YOU while she was playing – oh please let your gaze fall on me. A slithering warm feeling goes down the spine when eye contact is made and you get to Live in that little moment of connection. Hell, look over here – the table of guys that you came with are intent on their cellphones, texting furiously.

By now we’re racing to stay with our friend Stuart in Columbia where we’ll play a couple of shows, do a radio appearance or two and tomorrow even record a cable show. The future’s so bright I’ve got to wear shades… minus the fact that Between Lover and Twilight will reach BELLEVILLE while we’re in Columbia. Sigh and FAIL.

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