The naked people will not have us. It makes me sad. I mean – the naked people have had us before – and have asked for us again, but they will not have us THIS year. My sadness is palpable.

As in, it is able to be palped.

It’s been a frustrating non-day. I got up at 6.45am to go get my windshield repaired, driving solitary through the gloaming, sleepily evading the morning rush hour traffic and getting to my glass appointment early only to be told “Oh – that’s WAY too big.” My dismay evident, the large glass man said “Well, we’ll let Craig take a look at it. He’s the Big Crack Man”.

Well, the Big Crack Man came and saw and sealed my crack. He did a beautiful job and you can barely see the damage done. The windshield is crystalline with barely a trace of the 6 inch crach that had been there before. It’s reflecting the headlights prettily.

The rest of the day was spent on maintenance: Heather worked on festival applications, I worked on audio files from the past two months of shows. Heather fielded emails and I fielded emails and we both watched a lot of Law & Orderian television.

The blizzard of the morning has simply given way to absolutely fridgid temperatures and ice is clouding all the puddles and ponds. The tulips (Heather has dubbed them “foolips”) have indeed met with a late freeze and we’ve added a couple of more blankets to our collective collections.

I feel bad because tonight, I’m not so much looking forward to the gig as to the food – and not so much to the food as the coming back home AFTER the food, where it looks as if I’ve finally been broken and the turnings of the universe have brought me to be curious about Twilight. Please, please don’t judge me.

(and also don’t tell)

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