April 12th, 2009.

It’s the first of the long drives East.  We left the Saint Charles Coffeehouse at around 11pm, right as they closed.  We took our time loading out – the gig was fantastic, but exhausting.  We started early to give people a really full show, but it meant we played for about 2 and a half hours after a very full week (we’ve only had one day off in the last 16 days!), and neither of us was really looking forward to the drive ahead of us.

Again, greeted by my army at Robin’s place in Columbus, Indiana. YOU’RE RUNNING THE WRONG WAY!!! They should come forth so that they can begin the Rabbit Reckoning.

Still, as always, the staff at Saint Charles took good care of us and made sure we had a care package of sandwiches and coffee before we headed out into the night, and sure enough, three hours East on I-70 we have about 2 hours to go yet but we’re both still bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. 

Round about 3am we’re going to take a short break, my shoulder’s killing me and I really just need to get out and stretch… plus we’re going to need gas… but despite the monotony of nighttime interstate driving, the miles ARE flying by.

It’s been a great week and the gig tonight seemed the perfect send-off for the wind-down of the tour.  From here we’ve only got three more shows before playing in Maryland on Saturday.  I’ve set aside Easter as a day to do my taxes, Tuesday’s destined to be a day of rest, and at some point while we’re in Indianapolis I’m planning on finally hitting the Children’s Museum, as they’ve got a Star Wars exhibit at the moment.

Knowing that no matter how great the Indianapolis kids’ museum is it will pale in comparison to the City Museum isn’t deterring me one bit.

To the left of us, construction barrels are glowing in silent sentry and to the right, deer watch us cautiously.  Judging from the lack of roadkill on the shoulder, I’m guessing Indiana fauna to be an altogether smarter breed, but we’re still keeping our eyes peeled.  I have no interest in having my meats mingled with venison.

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