I think it is entirely possible that I’ve burned a little bit. Meep. I think there shall be redness and a bit of pain in my future. If I’m lucky, it shall be merely pinkness and a bit of itch, but I think we’re past that and into the realm of the red.
Ashraf Dawod playing djembe with Teporah Belezikian and me at Joe Squared Pizza in Baltimore, MD.
Ash takes the lead.
Karyn Oliver up front!
So sad. But so good – we just performed at the Celebrate Fairfax festival, had a good time, enjoyed excellent sound support and unfortunately, missed the monkey and his man.
Petting zoos – I swear, best thing ever. Plus or minus the fact that the goats want to Love you with their horns and that camels are way more affectionate than I was generally given to expect. Did you know that a camel would kiss a man? News to ME! (ick)
At Celebrate Fairfax! we were surrounded by great artists – most of which we only heard in passing because we were on such a tight schedule – but one ______________ we knew from previous festivals in Northern Virginia and we HAD to make time to listen. Killer guitarist, great voice, and an Official “Hi There!” stage presence, he’s a great performer and we were happy to cross paths with him again.
Kissin’ booth camel.
And speaking of ick – you know, Starbucks is generally a very well-kempt chain (as opposed to unkempt) with safe bathrooms of sparkly porcelain. THIS one however had the ew. I won’t go into a lot of detail, but to add insult to injury, let injury = poo and insult = ping pong balls. I can NOT make up this tale of woe.
Off to the Frederick Festival of the Arts!
Heather and I performing at the Frederick Festival of the Arts. It was such an amazing day – Celebrate Fairfax was one of the most organized festivals we’ve ever played – we got scanned as we entered, directed to our parking, carted to our stage – soundchecked and watered and on the stage – A guy could get used to this. We got to Frederick Festival of the Arts just in time for a close-to-our-stage parking space to free up and with just enough time to walk up and down Carroll Creek, sucking down iced raspberry lemonade and visual stimulus. We’ve played a LOT of arts festivals and of course there’s tonnes of crafts festivals that we’ve been to, Rennaissance Festivals with THEIR painters and sculptors and such not – I’d gotten complacent about the repetitive talents there – but there was a whole other level of awesome at the Frederick Festival of the Arts. Exquisite work and things I desired. I was very impressed and want THAT guy to build be a guitar and THIS guy to build me a strap and the woman over THERE to make me clothes to match…I don’t know what was making me smile as we played at the Frederick Festival of the Arts – maybe it was all the sugar? Or maybe it was all the eye candy? Or maybe it was the lesbians hitting on Heather or the dogs giving me the Eye… or maybe Heather had just said that THING about “not being able to find a man and turning to electronic alternatives”.