June 9th, 2009.

We’re at an open mic at Java Grande in Ellicott City, MD.  Not too much going on, yet absolutely excellent players – but nothing I’m terribly in the mood for.  It’s been a long day and my brain hurts and my head hurts and my heart hurts from listening to the news and the mediocrity of it all.

Heather looks at Birdie Art.
This past Wednesday, we struggled through the traffic of Washington DC to perform a Songwriters Association of Washington event at Artomatic. We always try to hit these gigs really early in order to wander around the 9 floors of art and music happening all around us – and as we rounded one corner we were treated to a reverse sense of scale with birds. Scaly scaly bird feet and gigantic rending bird beaks. Meep!

I think I’m a little bit sad. 

And so I arrive, and they’ve already gone around the list once and Heather’s played a set, which is imperfect because really all I want to do is listen to HER and play with HER.  We play two of my songs and then I insist on Illinois is Overflowing because it’s what I really want.  I want eBow and the sweetness of her voice and I want to wrap myself in my identity of musician and let that carry me.  It means I can stop thinking and just do what I was meant to do – which is to simply play until my fingers hurt.

Heather and I performing in the midst of the ultimate visual overload – Artomatic.

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