Too sleepy. I definitely want my bed to be back under me, blankets wrapped tight around me – it’s actually been sleeping weather recently, a rarity in the DC area. I’ve managed to find the perfect balance of air circulation, leaving my bedroom door open by a couple of inches, leaving my window open by a couple of inches… I’d kill for a ceiling fan but with a ceiling as low as mine, that would probably fail to remain a metaphor.

Independence Day – an interesting thing. I’m only slightly patriotic. National pride often gives way to a level of horror and disgust, but I still generally think we’re the best game in town. I do have a little flag for my guitar strap but never wear it because it catches on stuff and in at least one case caused a five minute delay onstage as someone had to help me unwind my hair from around it. I believe strongly that we should leave that symbol to hate groups, Republicans and the military, and should claim it back for those of us who believe in all the rest of the tenents of a great nation – all those freedoms that the military protects – even if I don’t believe in the culture that’s sprung up within that institution.

In any case, it was a day full of starts and stops and the store, reminding me that there are such amazing people out there every day – and so many awful ones as well. I hate that I’m constantly reminded of broken families (A conversation goes “I guess I must’ve talked to your husband” “Did he sound like an asshole? No? Then it must’ve been my son!”) and the fact that people find them everyday enough that they blatantly flaunt them. I don’t understand why I should possibly have ANY knowledge of a person’s familial stresses through a five minute conversation in a place of business.

I’ve just finished all the paperwork for the CD and good lord there’s a lot of it. Signing for the rights and making sure the tracklists are good and getting the rights for the Beatles tune and making sure all the artwork’s formatted – it’s all frankly exhausting. I’ve spent much of the last week making sure I’m happy with the artwork and then somehow the administrative part is even more grueling. It’s taken up all of my brain for the last week or so and I’m glad that I’m finally defocusing enough that I can think of some other things.
Like role playing games? Hush – I swear I’m NOT a geek.