November 15th, 2009.

Findlay, OH.  The open mic that we’d so Loved a couple of months ago delivered what it had promised and we played to a very full room, a very attentive room in a space with great sound and friendly owners.  And always the question: why are you here in Findlay?

And the answer’s always the same: “Because you are”.  I really don’t care if our big listening audience isn’t in Los Angeles or New York City or even in Columbus, OH – I want to play to the people that are willing to listen, and if that means coming to a small town on the Northern edge of Ohio – I’m absolutely fine with that. And so – instead of perhaps playing to hipsters and frat kids who don’t care that we’re there, we got to play to artists and bikers that did.

And the PERKS – well, a lot of coffeehouses have good coffee.  It’s in the job description.  And they toast their bagels well and they have good smoothies, and though these are not at all to be taken for granted, they are sensible expectations.  However, Coffee Amici also provides lodging!  And not lodging back at the house or on top of the roof or anything, but at a Lovely local inn.

It was delicious to relax into a huge bed, have a searingly hot shower and watch a big-ass television.  We turned on Animal Planet and watched three hours of shows about cats.  It was wonderful.

Today’s a very welcome day off and we’re leisurely making our way down through the heart of Ohio to Columbus where we’ll hook up with our friend Brandon, and perhaps watch more shows about kittens. The land is flat as we pass great cathedral-like barns and tiny barn-like churches.  We’re passing many closed ice cream stands and drive-in theatres and just wishing for another coffeehouse amongst all this dilapidated beauty.

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