It was the first time I’d cut down a tree since I was… I don’t know how old. Since I was quite wee. We went to Ryan’s Christmas Tree Farm in Clemmonsville, MD and looked at Santa sleeping, wandered the hills, hunted the tree, caught it and cut it. And carried it. And wrassled it and tied it to our ROOF! Twas a good day. TRIUMPH!!!!
Friday night after tree wrassling we went BACK to the Quarter one more time to see ANOTHER rock show. My folk cred has taken quite a beating these last couple of weeks. I’m going to have to learn an Irish song about murder and go all la di la di tra la la to get it back. IN any case, Second Impulse (above) was very tight, and you can’t go wrong when starting off with “Eye of the Tiger” – killer 3 part man-harmonies – very nice – but they paled in comparison to the headliner, Playground Etiquette. Athena and her cohorts came out on stage ready to melt faces – and I was willing to sacrifice my face for the purpose. The earlier acts had been good. They were tight – they were competent, but it was like watching little kids playing GI Joe suddenly encounter the marines from Aliens. Playground Etiquette. Go see them. I’m all like DAMN.