January 5th, 2010.

Okay – I’m a geek and I stand proud in my geekdom. Above is NOT our friend Peter holding a sabre – it’s Anders Larsen, a SWAT team member who has unfortunately been swept into a parallel dimension where he’s had the misfortune of being stabbed through the chest by a 7 and a half foot tall black-armoured supernatural monster. Don’t worry. He got better. (thank you Palladium Role Playing Game System)

A friend who came to our open mic last week then texted me: “i just wanted to say that you and heather are an inspiration to me you guys are so good and i can just see when you play that you have such a passion for music and i hope to be half as good as you one day

It’s a very flattering statement. I’m glad to be an inspiration – and it’s good to think that I’m now doing for other people what other singer/songwriters and musicians did for ME. Making my blood fizz, making me crave that ability, response, the beauty of their noise and the radiant power of expression. Being a musician has been the ultimate artform for me and it keeps me sane.

Yes. Yes it is. Java Mammas was gracious enough to let us do a couple of holiday open mics on Wednesday nights. They had to keep reminding one another that they WEREN’T closing at 6pm – but rather at 10pm for lil ole me!

I think my response should read: “Thanks. You started years before I ever touched a guitar. There’s no way you’ll have to settle for half as good. Twice as good would work too.”

Chicken Noodle sooop.
I think that perhaps though – it made the day too long, and there was a chicken noodle soup debacle near the end of the night. My poor Java Mammas ladies faced noodly oblivion.

For New Year’s Eve, strangely enough, we found ourselves playing a Methodist church basement. I went into the show with no expectations or preconceptions – my very first “real” concert was Fugazi in the basement of a church, so I know anything can happen in those little cinderblock encased semi-holy places. This was NOT that basement and we performed in front of a LOT of Christian slogans and imagery. Still, we had a very full house, sold a lot of CDs and would’ve blown the roof off the joint if there wasn’t a church on top of it. It was good to play the last night of 2009 with the full band (including cello) – there’s just no other way I’d want to spend my time then playing with these people. Barring a night with Milla Jovovich, Jimmy Page or the reincarnated spirit of Jim Henson, of course

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