Heather’s been bringing home the bacon. Which is an ironic thing to say because of her family’s religious background. Inappropriate? Probably. What I MEANT to say is that Heather’s been nailing a lot of cool shows and the New Year is shaping up well. Filled with travel and nudity, noise and beer, it sounds like New Year’s Eve all over again. I’m excited about it. We’ll unspool details as they’re nailed, but I’m excited about the possibilities.

We’ve been working out how to make a video. Not in the MTV sense. No claymation or fancy-ass CGI, no plot or skimpily-clad dancing girls – just a performance video. We’ve been working on the details for a couple of months now, and it’s finally coming down to the wire. It’s how I’m going to celebrate my oh-my-god-I’m-halfway-to-REALLY-FRAKKIN-OLD-day. I’ll have to come up with a more elegant wording than that – but it’ll be good for me to really have to rock out for my birthday. We’ve been debating all the details, but it looks like we’ve locked it down to happening at Bob’s restaurant in Bowie – The Old Bowie Town Grille. They’ve been kind to us, we know the venue well, we know how to deal with the sound, etc. I’m hoping it’s the right choice. It could be too small! We’ll see.
Hrm. Too small. Only in venue terms would this be a good problem to have.