Whatever DID happen to Saturday morning cartoons? I was curious this weekend and turned on the television and searched around all the basic stations – nothing! The only thing I could find were ancient animated antics on Boomerang and Cartoon Network. Do kids no longer watch Saturday morning cartoons? And today is a Thursday – and I can find no end of animated kids shows – does the schedule completely change over the summer? Or do kids shows really come on only on the weekends now? Is that with the assumption that children with cable are all homeschooled? What is going on in society today?! I just DON’T understand.

The sun is shining fiercely and the outside temperature is rapidly climbing. At least it got below 80 degrees for a while, but the little man on our digital weather station is ALREADY telling us to take off all of our clothes. In response I got a kilt. That’s close enough, right? I can’t take it out in public till I can back off from my urge to sashay. It’s not a skirt, I’m not SHOWING OFF MY LEGS… I am in a manly warrior costume! It is a Utilikilt so this is even doubly so!
In the meantime I wait in the basement, pretending the weather will go away. I’ve been recording a couple of new recordings, toying with a couple of new toys. I just had the first thing go awry with one of them, but frankly, I haven’t been reading the instructions.
I’m also slowly making my way through some laundry, packing up in prep for the next week or so. Last night we had to figure out what to do with all the cheese and opened salsa… which would’ve been easy if my recent cheese preference hadn’t been asiago. I swear, the whole “having a kitchen” thing adds a whole new list of complexities to touring.
I’ve been having nightmares. Every night this week in some way or another I’ve had my throat slit as I slept. A couple of nights ago it was Heather with a straight-razor. Apparently in order to show there was no malice, the next night Heather was chained up next to me with a number of other friends on one of those playground igloo thingies –all chained with our arms spread but not quite touching one another – and a man was wandering around us, pacing, slitting first one throat, then another. Six times this week I remember having my throat torn out by a slim blade. Usually swiftly, but twice it’s been excruciatingly slow, a push and slow penetration, feeling skin and then muscle and then sinew and vocal chords, one by one splitting.
Very rarely have I ever gone to the Aquarium during the day. It’s usually after dusk on their cheaper fall Friday rates – and so there were a lot of birds that I’d never seen before – out and about. They were squawky and defiant and beautiful. I guess the sunshine can being SOME good things around…
And I have a new response. An intake of breath just before the final attack – and then an explosive purge of air – punching air out through my ruined throat all over my attacker. (S)he might not care about the spray of blood but the last two nights it’s given me one last act of defiance, spitting gore all over their expressionless face….