Sunday night we met up with lots of friends in Boston to play the Burren w Tom Bianchi and Cilla Bonnie. As always, there was chaos and giggling. Cilla Bonnie performing at the Burren in Somerville, MA. Standing room only. Great bass player. Awesome show. Greg Klyma stepping up with Tom Bianchi’s absolutely amazing pickup band to close out the night at the Burren.
I’ve had a number of my friends, family, fellow road-warriors, other artists, whatever – comment on the fact that they’re impressed by how I can continue outputting a large volume of upbeat and optimistic comments while Living the Life that I do. We all know it’s hard trying to make ends meet this way, we all know it’s not an easy Life – but I try to look on the bright side. Excuse me for this one moment, however, while I rant.

Soundguys? If there’s a problem with the equipment, let us know. Communication is key. Let’s gang up and hate the gear together, rather than simply let me hate you. Motorcyclists? I understand that whizzing down the streets with all your cylinders wailing is fun, but please – not at 4 in the morning. Guys? No matter how hot you think it would be if your girlfriend would pole dance, I don’t feel that doing so yourself to set the stage in a very, very macho-hetero club accomplishes anything but embarrassing yourself and I’m sure it gives you and your friends uncomfortable man-feelings the next morning. Musicians? Tune. Dog? Get off the counter. Cat? Get off Kristen’s head. Mysterious Morning Mowing Man? You were here 6 days ago. It’s true that the grass may have pulled a Jesus in that time. Twice, by definition. However, I don’t see how it’s taken 3 and a half hours and you’re STILL having to mow right outside the window. Local weather deities? Really? It’s beautiful. Where was this last week when we played outdoors TWICE? Traffic? Fuck you. Recycling and trash guys? You can do it a little gentler. I’m sure. It sounds like the Autobots and Decepticons finally sussing their issues via brutally violent sex out there. Audience? If you fear the tip goose, do so subtly. You don’t have to run away so blatantly. And musicians? You’re still not done tuning.
The Deluxe Town Diner in Watertown, MA. An amazing breakfast – so good we had to go back the next day. I’m surprised there were no pictures taken of our food. Usually Kristen’s pretty obsessive about that sort of thing. No pictures of our diner meal, but here is Kristen discovering the wonder that is white currants. Fun little things, but kind of creepy. Like the ghosts of blueberries.
Ahem. I apologize. Thank you for bearing with me. I’ve got more to say, but I’m not going to say it. It’s a beautiful day and me and my band are going to go my favourite coffeehouse and sit on our asses, listen to music, play video games and get just about jack shit done.