Before exit 10 on I-84 E off to the right and to the right, somewhere in Connecticut. I should probably get a very specific location, because is the place of the gas station of ass. I got kicked out for looking for a trash can. There wasn’t one out at the pumps, so I took a bag inside with me figuring there must be one inside and the man behind the counter yelled “DO I LOOK LIKE YOUR TRASH MAN?!?!” He told me to take my waste and myself back where we came from and to get out. No restrooms either, of course. It sure as Hell pissed me off that we were already half-way through a $30 gas purchase. It’s fine to have policies of what you will and will not make available for a customer, but I’ve never encountered a gas station sans trash cans before, certainly not one that makes such a big deal of serving sandwiches. I know understood why the exterior was absolutely covered in disused cups and abandoned wrappers. Anywho, the guy didn’t have to be an asshole about it and it gave me a sour taste for much of the rest of the day, driving up to what should’ve been an absolutely delicious show at the Vanilla Bean in Pomfret, CT.
Andy (guitarist for White Rose Confession) had this tiny guitar with a built-in speaker. It was excellent for the rocking. Mike Lussier of White Rose Confession being kind of typically Mike. White Rose Confession getting some practice in. Moments later I captured Jay and used him for my own nefarious purposes: a full-kit rock version of “rearview”! Ato of White Rose Confession and I rocking out in the White Rose practice space. He’s one of the best guitarists I’ve ever seen and in this picture I’m actually using my tail to steal his essence. Yes. I have a tail.
And the show WAS absolutely delicious, but the drive was stupid, the people we met on the way were stupid, and once again I’m convinced that car builders have been cutting corners by not installing turn indicators in SUVs. Playing the Vanilla Bean is always charming and we met up with a lot of friends up there – even better since it was an open mic feature and we could generally watch our friends play as well.
But the drive out was painful, and we had to drive back the same night for a show in Bowie the next afternoon…. We drove straight through, arriving back home at around 5.30am, narrowly missing the morning folks. On the way we met a man with a rooster. Normally I won’t hand money to the people that inevitably approach you at late-night truck stops, claiming they just need a couple of bucks to get back home – but in this one case – what the Hell, it was a man with a rooster. The rooster’s name was Thor. Totally worth some scratch. Errr.

Kristen Jones on the Thinkin Stump before our show in Danielson, CT. White Rose Confession performing at the Gold Eagle in Danielson, CT. This was really a rec-room kind of show, fit between a high school reunion and a bar busy watching television, but it was a lot of fun. We got to play as long as we wanted and got to really be on top of WRC as they did their thing. I admire every noise they make. Another toad caught at Mike Lussier’s place. I caught TWO toads on this trip through New England, but didn’t get to keep either one. Sigh. An out-of-order addition. Heather and I rocking our little hearts out at the Burren in Somerville, MA – shot by Jenn Razzi who has an exquisite eye for passionate moments.