November 28th, 2011.

ilyAIMY joins forces with mOsno practicing for our big ass New Year’s Eve show with Carbon Leaf. Ash won a battle of the bands and now it looks like we’ve got a party to go to! I’ve been really impressed with how we all sound together – ilyAIMY + mOsno + sahffi (holding the camera) “ftw” as the kids say… but then again, we knew that already.

So that last entry wasn’t very Thankful – and I SHOULD be thankful.  I’ve got a lot of great stuff going on, including a fresh article in the Gazette in which I go on at length about how I’m very thankful – and I AM!

I have an amazing band, the majority of which have been playing with me for over a decade.  I have wonderful fans who’ve supported us emotionally and financially for all that time – people who buy what we do – we don’t have to change what we are or who we are or what we do for them.  They like us as we are (or at the very least, as they perceive us to be).  I have an amazing girlfriend and amazing friends… and the best damned stuffed octopus in the history of all stuffed octopi. 

All-in-all I know, that despite the aforementioned pall, I definitely have it pretty good.

Ah, Christmas is coming. That means it’s time to go on the grand tree hunt! We eventually find a tree based on the excitingly, strangely curled branches, height and width. YOU! You’re coming with us!!!

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