So I went a week without listening to the news, without reading news, without clicking on links to the news, avoiding headlines on newspapers sitting in coffeeshops. It’s probably done my head some good. There’s been enough fishing around in there. Tuning back in we’ve got a fair number of elected officials going to jail for abusing their positions, Congress is deadlocked, I’m receiving a $3 credit from Ticketmaster as part of a class-action lawsuit, no-one wants to pay taxes and everyone wants social services.
Sounds like the world I left. I guess I’d have to tune out for several months (probably till after the 2012 election, actually) for there to be any real news.
Rain has ensconced the DC Metropolitan area and it’s been wreathing us in a grey, moist haze since yesterday morning. Last night it took me about two hours to get the 30 sum miles to get to my show at Brewers Alley because the roads were clogged with suburban refuse (well, Suburbans were a small part of it really, mostly passenger cars and Hummers) and the odds of getting into an accident are tipped against you the moment the first raindrops fall.
But the show itself was gig. It was loud… but we can be louder. The Jaegermeister girls were out in force doing their best to convince people who were drinking drinks other than Jaeger that perhaps Jaeger would be a better choice. This coercement was perpetrated through gifts of baseball caps and coasters, and the giggling presence of two overly-made up maybe-twenty-somethings in leather pants and tie-on tops. Last night we actually had a substantial fanbase out to see us, and I got a number of complaints about the fact that the Jaegerslüts would stand betwixt the fans and the band trying to talk to them while our fans were trying to pay attention to US.
Plus, it seems really asinine that we’re advertising Jaeger in the chromed shadows of a BREWERY. Where are the Brewers Alley girls, giggling and trying to convince us to try something brewed onsite?!!?
Meh. This is rob’s statement of ubernonplussedness.
Whatever. The gig was fun, but I’m aching. We played hard and fast for much of the night, and Heather is back from being ill, which encouraged me towards more guitar ferocity than I’ve displayed over the past couple of weeks. I didn’t feel it till after the hour’s drive home, during which my body slowly locked up in protest. I took a LOT of Advil before going to bed in the hopes that my muscles wouldn’t keep me awake all
night… I don’t remember a damn thing till my alarm went off this morning so it must’ve worked.
Happy Wednesday!