February 6th, 2012.

Man, I really missed having a feature this past week – I Love the change of pace and a mid-show wiggle just didn’t make up for it.  Fortunately, this weekend we’ve got Dan Zimmerman and his Great Outdoor Fight performing, which will keep me on my toes a little more effectively.

Unfortunately, I’m beginning to really worry about the sheer over-crowdedness of the event.  It’d be a real shame to ever have to move someplace else, I don’t think it could ever have a feel like we have at CCC – but I’d also hate to ever have to institute rules controlling how many times people can sign up over a particular time.  I already feel hated for instilling rules and trying to run a tight ship.  I see how people bristle at being restricted to time limits, people email me and try to get me to make exceptions, claiming that they’re so awesome / professional / important / individual etc that they are deserving of more time… I get no small amount of little angry notes…

It’s still far out-weighed by the number of positive statements.  Most people are having a great time, but I probably get one angry note a week – stupidly, generally from someone who’s never been there before.  Who reads the rules and thinks they’re unreasonable. 

Sigh – you don’t have to come!

Blah – I’m just griping.  Last night’s energy was all off, partially because the crowd was a bit small (I counted 40 people) and partially from the lack of a feature.  Partially I was worried about overall draw because of the VENUE’S concern about draw – and all day had been stressful.  Hell, all week’s been stressful.  I’m finishing off a CD design project and the artist has just pointed out that the Hebrew glyphs that I’m using for the title are incorrect… I’ve gone back to the source and have pointed out that that’s because the glyphs she SENT me were wrong… maybe I should have a rule that I don’t design in languages I don’t know…

But again, I’m just griping.  Every project has it’s little issues – and if I was running AHEAD of schedule for a change, as opposed to just hanging on by my fingertips, I’d have plenty of time to make changes sans stress.

Sigh twice.  However, I did get a pretty awesome happy birthday song last night – I’ll have to mix it down and share it because it was too wonderful NOT to show off!

To some of the biggest… this is the C&O Allegheny – it was built in 1941 and weighs 390 tons – it was one of the last steam locomotives built in the US before we went over to diesel and is the biggest locomotive still existant in America barring its last remaining twin in Michigan. An interesting part of the roundhouse is that…. though it’s beautiful it doesn’t SMELL right…. entering the North Car Shop changes EVERYTHING and it smells like oil and steam and this massive industrial space smells like LIVING trains.
To some of the coolest… I’ve never gotten to see many of the first electric diesel trains – built in the 40s (the above is the C&O 490 built in 1949) – actually I’m unclear as to whether it’s steam or a diesel conversion but it sure is a product of art deco filtering into industrial design.

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