I’ve been feeling inordinately sad. Stressed out. Unproductive. Worried about the world. Somehow the overall gestalt of America’s been getting me down and 2013 just hasn’t been all it’s cracked up to be so far.
I know – that’s a big statement, and frankly a lot of it’s probably related to the fact that I’m not sleeping, but I find my afternoons steeped in feelings of failure and helplessness, hopelessness that somehow doesn’t translate into music because… afterall… what’s it matter?
I’ve been working on recording things that make me happy. I plan to wrap up a cover of Stevie Wonder’s “Superstition” that I think is absolutely awesome. Kristen and Ash have helped me out with it and it’ll probably find its way into the Cult recordings and into the ilyAIMY lexicon of covers. It’s been in my head since last September and I’ve been working on a version ever since… I’m just so very slow at learning new songs.
It’s more to do with will than talent, more to do with determination than time. And I’m not accomplishing anything because I’m depressed and I’m depressed because I’m not accomplishing anything. Circular argument. Self-fulfilling prophecy.
Teavolve open mic on January 15th w featured artist Ayreheart.