June 21st, 2013.

Old Bowie Town Grille w DeJohn and Bruce Lebowitz.

Weird dreams last night – weird enough as to give my friend Erica a run for her somno-theatric money. She dreams them crazy and I’ve always been jealous of that…

Last night I had a fairly typical Game of Thrones dream: my mom’s house was some sort of castle – it had the same structure as her house has always had but was much, much taller so that when we looked off the porch we truly got to gander at all the lands we surveyed – and they stretched far and wide. I could see my brothers at play with their wolves and I’d point them out to my mom who reclined on an ornate chair amongst the boxes of Legos and my old papier mache map of Africa from grade school….

And then things got weird. Me and Sharif were in Fredericksburg, VA and I had just been declared the ruler there. We both drank a shot of tequila to celebrate my coronation but it unfortunately made Sharif’s head explode – but it made ME receptive to the bio-mind of Fredericksburg and slowly I relaxed into knowing it fully… roots connected slowly into me and I grew into the old-growth trees of the town. Finally I was supported by one massive stalk that grew out of the vines and bushes and trees that covered the city and I was able to relax into my vegetable throne.

When I wanted to go places I didn’t walk, it just sort of “stalked” me there. I was visiting with Amy’s parents when her mom asked “so, have you got anything down there or has it been replaced with some green bean thing” at which point I realized I was naked. I puffed up my cheeks and grew some covering moss but her Dad said “nope, it’s like a big knobbly walking stick! He can use it to kill the wolves!”

I made some decisions and issued some kingly edicts but fortunately woke up shortly after Chris’ observations.

Happy Friday! Don’t read Game of Thrones after watching Cloud Atlas after eating broccoli!

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