December 8th, 2013.

Staying IN.

We’re watching the cars slip and slide up and down the highways here in Maryland. The weather’s canceling Magic night and my friend Peter doesn’t know why.  Down here in Takoma Park (where I just left) it’s been icing for hours and there’s a good slushy base with an inch-ice crust covering the roads. Up there in Baltimore (where we’re going) we’ve got three inches of snow and the DOT is broadcasting “stay in your home” warnings as they expect “the situation to deteriorate rapidly”. Apparently, in Laurel, where Peter Lives it’s been raining gently for hours and he has NO idea what all the fuss is about.

Sigh. I Love to play Magic, and Magic nights are few and far between, but once we get back to our Catonsville Hideout we’re staying IN. Amy’s got the heat turned up and the cats well-fed. I put up the tree last night and Kristen and mosno put the lights on while I was out playing a show. I crowned the tree with an Aliens Christmas Xenomorph when I got home and we’ve got cider and cider donuts, Muppets on the TV and Dark Crystal on the computer. It’s beginning to look a Hell of a lot like Christmas and it all sounds pretty perfect to me.  I’m DEFINITELY staying IN!

I think I’m still a little swoony from last night’s show with Billy Jonas to boot. His feel-good, beautiful vibe and positive message would be something that I’d have been kind of dubious of from almost anyone else, but Billy really radiates calm and community and I absolutely adored his sound. I don’t talk about “energy” very often because I have no truck with such new-agey terminology – but Billy radiates GOOD ENERGY as he performs. The rhythms, the vocals – just a really beautiful performance, especially in contrast to our own darkness – I really Loved the night.

He’s someone you’ve kind of got to see to believe. Check him out if you’re able.

But not tonight.  Tonight’s a night for staying in with your friend and Luvahs, your cats and your cable, your blankets and…err… bananas.

Good night dear reader – and stay safe and warm!

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