We’re rushing and I feel bad about that. We should’ve left a day earlier and taken more time? It wouldn’t have worked because of the gig on Wednesday and the desire to be in Houston by Sunday. We’ll get to slow down once we DO hit Houston, but until then I’m realizing you can’t really “vacation” the way you “tour”.

I knew that – I swear I did – there was even an article about it recently in one of the online music magazines I often have contempt for but occasionally actually read. The gist of THAT article was more about the fact that if you want a vacation, don’t plan a tour. That’s a no-brainer to me. I know tours are work, but we’ve always planned our tours with time to stop and smell the roses (or pet the cats, or visit the alligators, or sample the goat cheese, or meander the path less wandered… whatever). If you’re not enjoying yourself, what’s the point?

But I’ve done sort of the opposite here, at least for Savannah and New Orleans. We don’t have enough time to savour them at ALL which is a real shame. We just whirlwinded through Savannah last night and this morning. We centered ourselves around the idea that “if you walk through an historic district looking for food, eventually you’ll find it, and you’ll see lots of cool stuff on the way”.
This has MOSTLY worked out. The night we got in (crashing at the ‘Retro’ Thunderbird Inn) we wandered down to the water, and strolled around, climbing up and down dangerously “historic” stairs and sampling sights and sounds and smells. We grabbed dinner (oh my GOD good crawfish etouffe – I figured we were south enough for that) on the river and watched people go by. Stared at some toffee-making machinery for long enough that the guy who was running us tossed us some. The maple toffee was delicious – and probably the only time I’ve ever enjoyed toffee.
Jamie and Barnaby joined us at the Pickled Onion for a night of great music, decent food and mediocre beer. (Raleigh, NC). Tuesday night finds Kristen and I performing at the Pickled Onion in Raleigh, NC. We tore the roof off, and I got to play with a wireless system to boot! However, since I didn’t have Heather to chat with the audience at all I never had any “downtime” which I could use to wander off with, so Kristen didn’t get to witness any bad behaviour… I guess that’s a good thing cause now Kristen will be able to report that if I DID have a wireless rig maybe I wouldn’t get up to too much mischeif… maybe. (and to the right, local performer Chris Overstreet – who was frankly an amazing performer – great voice and great guitarist – thanks to Jamie Katz for grabbing my camera and catching us mid-stride)

We poked our head into touristy shops and watched some musicians set up their gear and play on the balconies and squares and walkways. I wonder how you get booked on Market Square and how much a busking license costs. Research for later.
As the sun went down we got misted on and eventually slightly rained on. We listened to a trumpet player on the river and meandered our way back to our hotel for the night to get an actual full-night’s sleep.
This morning we got up and walked to the Colonial Park Cemetery. We wandered the grave stones and photographed the trees and generally thought that even in the rain it probably would’ve been a good thing to take one of the ghost tours that everyone was recommending… the night before, getting in before the rain came down seemed like a good idea… our only encounter with one of the tours had been the one that I was warned about – the second review about the Hearse Tours was that the drivers were maniacs and assholes to boot… while we were walking back to our hotel last night we nearly got smacked by a hearse filled with panic-stricken-looking tourists running a red light in front of our waiting feet.

BUT – one of the walking tours would’ve been an ideal way to see this cemetery. During the day it was… pleasant. And beautiful. And during the daytime maybe I was also wishing that at nighttime I’d been a little more interested in being creeped out.
I’m just such a delicate flower.
We found breakfast, found friendly dogs, found a random closing comic book store sale. We wandered SCAD’s campus and found ourselves still about a half mile from the Thunderbird as the rain came again in earnest.
We enjoyed the warm air and the cold rain though and made our way back to the car… and now we head West to Atlanta. We’ll stay with my cousins just north of Atlanta before zig sagging West and South through Alabama to the other travesty of this trip : less than 24 hours in New Orleans.
Yeah. I’m a bad rob for that one. Sigh.

Well – the highway stretches ahead of us and Savannah swiftly dropped away behind. The skies have stopped precipitating upon us, but they remain a sullen grey full of promise and threat. We’re trying our best to ignore them.
After a good walk around historic downtown Wilmington, NC, we made our way back to Ted’s Fun on the River. With a name like that, I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect. The website says they rent boats and bikes and sell beer and bait and have Live music to boot. I was sort of expecting perhaps an experience similar to playing bait shops in the past – but in the off-season, so not a big crowd… At Ted’s we meet up with our friends Kim Disco and Sue Cag of the band Folkstar – and with them come the fans! Well – not just THEIR fans, but our fans too – and eventually we find ourselves playing to a pretty full room having an absolutely awesome time. At first I was really nervous playing a duo show sans Heather, but we eased into it… and then got nervous again as I had to explain to people who knew us that no, Heather’s still in the band and then to the people who DIDN’T know us, who Heather was! Folkstar performing to a full house at Ted’s On The River in Wilmington, NC. Kim and Sue are a really powerful combination and it was a really fun mix for the night. I admire their passion a lot – Kim has a great voice and Sue… well… I’m a guitarist at heart and I Love watching her blaze on electric guitar. It makes me craaaaave. Kristen and I performing at Ted’s on the River in Wilmington, NC. It was good to play a show in Wilmington, and I’m kicking myself for not taking a picture with a couple of our friends down there who we haven’t seen in YEARS. Von and Melva I’m talking about YOU! It was just my bad luck that our old friend Deanne Carroll wasn’t in town – but congratulations to HER because the REASON she wasn’t in town was that she was off getting married to her partner! Sorry to miss her – but so happy for her as well! Huzzah!
Below – wandering Wilmington, NC…
After playing at Ted’s in Wilmington, NC, Kristen and Kim and Sue and I wandered downtown Wilmington looking for something to eat... In the process we discovered this guy and the ladies all agreed that this should be my new look. I’m sticking to my guns though – those guns being “HELL NO!!!” After the show in Wilmington we crashed with Folkstar back at their house… and discovered a Love for similar things! Sue has a beautiful collection of truly random things including an original Muffy from Battlestar Galactica! This action figure is probably older than Heather! hehehe we were really disappointed to meet with an unadvertised closure of the Serpentarium! THAT should’ve been posted on their WEBSITE!!!!