A day at the Houston Zoo.
He let me get even closer, of course, because we are of a kind. One of the coolest moments at the Houston Zoo had nothing to do with any of the exhibits – we encountered a couple of rabbits free-roamin’ it betwixt the birds. Max had himself a close encounter and this scout from my army allowed Max to get quite close before… well… rabbiting. A vulture from the Houston Zoo. I think. I really didn’t keep track of WHAT we were looking at. Going to the zoo on your lonesome is WAY different from going to the zoo with a three year-old. What the zoo is for a three year-old : going down slides in your dinosaur shoes. Hell yeah. An important factoid that we should ALL really be aware of. Because… oh god. (also, Love that someone had the job of making that icon) Nose lickin’ lion! This is a tiny alien gazelle from teh Houston Zoo. Last Tuesday (January 14th) found Kristen and I taking my brother and Max to da zoo! We wandered around and peered at animals and generally enjoyed a beautiful day amongst the beests. Obviously we’re still at the Houston Zoo – My brother grew nervous as we approached the elephants because apparently that’s where Max generally throws up – but no purging behaviour manifested itself and we were left to explore a couple of more animals before my nephew grew too restive to continue. Houston Zoo’s Komodo Dragon, named Smaug. Throughout our visit we’d been impressed with the omnipresent and friendly staff that kept approaching us, asking how we were doing, if we had any questions – etc… I finally availed myself on one young woman and chatted with her about Smaug. She didn’t know his age, wasn’t sure if he was getting any bigger, but DID know that the name wasn’t “like they have in LA… it’s like from some book”. I was no longer impressed.