January 16th, 2014.

Well – I’m glad to have my computer back.


I don’t know exactly what happened – I was having trouble getting a wireless connection in New Orleans, restarted my computer and had the whole thing die on me. Refused to restart. Then discovered it’s not that it was REFUSING, just operating very, very, very slowly. At our friend Missy’s house I started the machine as I went to bed. Got up to find it’d gotten to the login screen. Typed my password (but nothing came up on the screen) and took a shower… after the shower the words had finally shown up. Right clicked on the Windows button, went and had breakfast… got back to find the contextual menu had finally popped up… etc.

Anywho – on the drive from New Orleans to Houston I ran the Windows disc check utility and just shy of the Texas line restarted and seemed to have everything back up and running – but slowly came to realize that none of my … not-completely-legal … applications were running. I’m assuming that some of the registry “errors” discovered by Disk Check were actually registry hacks made to make some of my software work. I tried reinstalling, but not even that functionality would work. I tried uninstalling the existing applications and THAT didn’t work either…

Finally in Houston I spent time backing everything up and reinstalled Windows and spent any downtime over the next two days getting the machine back up and running. There are still a couple of oddities: drivers are an issue – though Windows eventually figured out my laptop was a LAPTOP, installing the networking drivers without being able to access any networks was a bit of a trick. The trackpad is DEFINITELY being wonky and I’m sure I’ll run across plenty of other issues as I go along.

Still – I’m finally back up and running. By now I’m even pseudo-caught up with the thousand photographs and 500 emails that I’d accrued during that time. I know I’ve got a fancy phone to keep me from having to be tethered to this machine, but running your business of your phone simply isn’t as easy as running everything off an actual computer.

Give me a keyboard or give me death.  For reals.

We stumbled across this exhibit of Dr Seuss work in New Orleans!

In any case – by now we’re in Austin, TX. We’re staying with our old friend Jen Hitt and played a Lovely show with her last night at a little coffeeshop called Irie Coffeebar. Unfortunately it was JUST cold enough that we had to move inside (not something I’d foreseen), but we had a good little (warm) audience crammed in to see us. Though most nights I’ve been viscerally missing Heather’s voice and djembe – tonight we literally wouldn’t have had space and the outdoor stage though beautiful would’ve hit 40 degrees by the time we kicked off and Jen was pretty sure we’d have lost our audience pretty swiftly.

Today has been spent wandering around town and being tourists. Mostly shopping in the South Congress area (SoCo). Kristen’s looking for boots. I’m ALWAYS looking for boots. We ended up getting tired of boots and finding a couple of books and sparkly art instead.  You know how it is.

I have no idea. This is… you know… the giant bulldog of Birmingham, AL that wouldn’t have made a good sailor? Plugging “Birmingham bulldog do not make skillful sailors” into google doesn’t enlighten me. Fortunately, it also doesn’t bring me any porn.

Austin’s a vastly different experience during SXSW – and I’m kind of grateful we’re not dealing with that level of intensity – but also fear I’m letting Kristen down a little bit. My memories of non-stop music and constant aural stimulation are a far-cry from the sleepy, slightly touristy town we’ve been wandering today. 

Doing a quick search of the Journal I turn up “playing with Austin (Stahl)” here and there, and plenty of references to things being “exhAUSTINg”. A couple of mentions of Austin Healeys, Boston artists Austin & Elliot…. Meeting PorterDavis who are FROM Austin… going to Austin… playing Austin Grill… running out of CDs in 2007 till we were able to meet up with a box of copies of Fifth Circle in Austin…. Watching Battlestar Galactica before heading to Austin…

Entering New Orleans with our friend Missy as a guide, we inadvisably head immediately to the French Quarter, where parking, Mardi Gras and any number of other obstacles immediately slow us down. But we were on a mission – so much though that we didn’t even pause (much) to listen to the street brass! This trip is waaaay too fast and the fact that we’ve got less than 24 hours here is actually kind of a crime.

And then I find the entries about SXSW – Heather bleeding on her drum and George and Del grabbing a last minute hotel and joining us. Camping in Roswell, NM a couple of nights later… I’m really glad to be out this way again, but am horribly aware that after tonight we turn north and eventually back east as opposed to west and further into the desert. It’s such beautiful country in that direction and we’re just hitting the very edge of the southwest before shying away.

Cactuses only became prevelant in this last push towards Austin and I’ve yet to even see a DEAD armadillo. I’m enjoying this trip immensely, but in my heart I know we’re about to head the wrong direction.

After dinner we navigated to Jackson Square – partially because it seemed like the place to be and also partially because it was the only place I could find sans too much external intervention. In the dark it’s still stunningly beautiful, and not quite as heavily populated as I’d feared.

Yeah, I guess the last time we were out here was 2008! That’s just painful! It’s very, very, very good to be back.

Gah. Just got caught up in staring back in time at my Journal. It’s easy to do I guess – even when you’re just looking at the pictures.

I’m stunned by how grey I am now. Getting older has not been kind to the colour of my hair and I’m beginning to understand why so many people comment on it when they’ve not seen me in a while. No matter – it happens. Going back through the pictures of the last time we were here or there or anywhere – it’s amazing to think about the miles we’ve covered – and it’s amazing to think of what a wonderful thing it is that we do.

On a night like tonight, sitting on a couch in Austin, TX it’s easy to think that my adventuring days are over… and then I remember I’m in Austin, TX.

SO – we were rounding Jackson Square and checking a map (read : phone) for our path back to where we’d parked when I spotted this Lovely little winged horse. (and that’s our friend Missy – an old friend from the Java Mammas open mic days! Eat your heart out Ana!)

Tonight we played an open mic at Flipnotics. It was suggested from a couple of different fronts and indeed, it definitely WAS the PLACE TO BE – in that it was the place that everyone was! Signup was awful – a literal scrum and shove of people pushing pens to paper. I ended up signing right-handed while keeping myself stable with my left hand, pen caught in a girl’s hair while someone else was trying to push my arm out of the way.

While wandering back to the car in New Orleans, we DID stumble across a gallery doing a special presentation of the Art of Dr. Seuss. Unfortunately the place was closed, but it WAS really cool to peer in the windows and see some original pieces! To the right – a couple of sculptures and original Seussian imaginings. If you’ve never gotten to see any of his non-kids-book stuff, you should check it out. During the daytime. Cause it’s creepy.

For a town that has often impressed me with its gentle nature, full of “howdies” and “y’alls” this was pretty unpleasant. I’m glad I happened to be in the right place at the right time. The host had wandered up outside while I’d stood up to stretch and slapped the list down while I happened to be standing there. I’m also glad I happened to have a pen in my pocket. The ingenious gentleman who had his name on a stamp who was able to just WHACK his signature down on the list caught my admiration right from the get-go (and turned out to have a pretty amazing voice to boot).

Traveling West from New Orleans the land around us grew moister and more suggestive.

Sitting through the performers, a lot of good voices, a lot of covers – but a lot of good performers –and some good comedians too! And the host was fun, Muppety, good energy. I didn’t like the non-use of mics or the PA very much, I became hyper-aware of the fact that the cello would be the first instrument to be plugged in the whole night. For better or for worse, when it was our turn to play, I forgoed (forwent? Didn’t use) the PA myself and just played acoustic. I heard later that the balance wasn’t so hot and most of what the room heard was cello – but such is Life. The host walked out the moment we started playing which bruised my ego a bit, but the rest of the room was pretty enthusiastic.

Meh. Unfortunately my stomach started acting up pretty ferociously almost immediately after we’d played and we ended up leaving only a couple of slots after we’d played. (about two hours into the night)  I felt rude, but was really, really glad to have a bathro… wait. What am I saying?!!?  I don’t have stomach issues! I don’t even HAVE a stomach! Or an ANUS! At all times my body is a happy place for my soul and mind to inhabit! Never you MIND where I’m typing from right now!

Gosh I Love laptops.

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