It’s a slow roam through Central Texas. Or at least that’s what I’ve been calling it. Of course we just crossed the Arkansas line so I guess we haven’t been central in Texas for quite some time.
Everything is the same colour here. The monotony of monotone has been with us since we left my cousin’s house this morning on the outskirts of Dallas – brown road, brown earth, brown tires, brown buildings, brown trees, brown grass – blue, blue, blue sky. Today we’ve got wisps of cloud streaming overhead and the sun is a quarter blazing high in the sky. Truckers are passing and being passed, trucks are pushing and cars are falling behind – all without the East Coast urgency that we’re so used to. The highways here exemplify the attitude that we’re all going to get there EVENTUALLY and there isn’t any of the aggression of home. It makes a high-speed two lane highway actually WORK.

Last night Kristen and I had picked up a last-minute show courtesy of Andrew McKnight who’d recommended us to a … webcast / house concert sort of thing in Waxahachie, TX. We weren’t sure what we were walking into, but I trust Andrew, and sure enough we had a great time at In the Listening Room on the Waxahachie City Limits. The webcast will be mixed and posted in a couple of weeks – we had a great time and really made some great friends on what was otherwise going to be an off night. I think they’ll be a pretty wonderful connection in the future – and if nothing else, the promo pics and recording will probably be pretty valuable to us in the future.

It sort of felt like a Texas cousin to Edith May’s Paradise – beautifully lit, good sound system, great little stage – and some dogs to boot.
Dogs are definitely the exception to the “Everything’s bigger in Texas” – we were definitely in with the teeny mammals last night. Sweet little things that had to be taken upstairs lest they jingle or yap at inopportune moments.
After the show we went home with my cousin Rachael and her family. They’d come to see the gig and had a great time, truly enamoured with the idea that they had such a cool music venue so close to home. I guess it IS difficult to find good music venues that’d be a good setting for yourself and your 13 year-old kid sometimes – and Clint and Rachael really liked the setting. I’m pretty sure it was their first brush with anything even remotely similar to a house concert and they really enjoyed how sociable, intimate and “behind the scenes” it felt.
Anywho – back at the ranch (it wasn’t a ranch) we hung out with Rachael and Clint and their kids until it was time for the kids to go to bed, and then we hung out some more until US kids really had to go to bed (so much driving – betwixt the day and the “cidre” we were toast by midnight). We chatted and laughed (harder than I have in a LONG time it seems) and tried out Clint’s experimental recipes (holy shit – srircha German chocolate cake?!?!?!?!!? You don’t even KNOW!!! And I imagine that if you DON’T know this isn’t safe to try out on your own) and generally had a really, really good time.

I’ve really enjoyed how SOCIAL this trip has been – but really regretted how FAST we’ve had to roll in and roll up and roll out. It means Kristen and I are both just constantly a little bit exhausted and especially last night I was horribly aware of NOT keeping UP in the conversation. Still – the Rachael and Clint show competes as one of my favourite shows EVER. Add in the awesomeness of their kids and I could’ve stayed up late, curled up on the couch, and watched all night… fallen asleep and woken up and watched some more.
But that would’ve been weird.
The only good thing about the night, other than the ginger beer. Heather would’ve appreciated the ceiling fans. Seriously – Avant Garden? Get a new open mic host. You’ve got SUCH a great scene. Sigh. Okay – I’ve been cold turkey from my current video game obsession, “the Secret World” for about a week now – theoretically that’s just fine, but I have discovered that if I’m looking in my brother’s dryer and thinking “THE ILLUMINATI HAVE BEEN HERE!!!” then mayhaps I haven’t been away long ENOUGH.