January 24th, 2014.

Jason and Alyssa made us ROBOT MEAT PIE for Pie Day (not Pi Day). Robot meat is actually pretty good.

Still Ohio. Still cold. Still sick. With a cold. And it’s cold.

Holy shit it’s cold. This isn’t news to anyone. It’s certainly not news to anyone back home. But holy shit, I don’t think I’ve ever been this cold. It’s absolutely disgusting how cold it is. Temperatures have been hovering around 20 degrees in the sunshine with a windchill of negative 10 or lower. Incredible cliffs of icicles along the highway, snow drifts and skirls of white and still that merciless, cloudless sky that lets you fool yourself into thinking that THIS time when you get out for gas…

Nope, still freezing our Coosawatchies off.

But it’s stunning. The flat plains of Western Ohio have given way to the rolling hills of Eastern Ohio and the setting sun is throwing long shadows out ahead of us. The primordial cold outside just highlights the stunning beauty of it all. Orange glows and black shadows pooling with one another as the sun sets behind us. We’re meeting up with friends for dinner round about Pittsburgh and we’ve just hit 4000 miles for the trip. If we’d been going in a straight line, we could be on our way back from Seattle by now.

That’ll have to wait till autumn.

North Market in Columbus, OH was a recommended activity by our friend Adam – and Kristen and I realized that we were headed home into a snow storm in the next 72 hours or so – so we took it as an opportunity to do some really wonderful grocery shopping. Coffee happened, lots of great vegetables… and some delicious take-home-and-bake pretzels that we JUST finished off a couple of nights ago!

Last night we were surprised by the venue we popped into to play. After doing some research I had a pile of three open mics to pick from : I eliminated open mic 1 because they didn’t mention Live music ever on their website, so they obviously didn’t really care about it… probably just a shitty sports bar…. I eliminated open mic 2 because there were a lot of boobs on their Facebook page. Generally I’m in favour of boobs, but using them to advertise your beer, your Live music, pool, fried chicken AND your open mic?  The place seemed waaaay too trashy and I figured we’d check out open mic #3. I’m really glad I did.

Upon walking in, I was unsure… there were signs up saying that the open mic was delayed due to a private party, and looking around there was NO sign that anything was going. TVs, TVs, TVs… sigh. But then I saw the back door. And the back hall. And the back room… the back of King Avenue 5 is a REAL music venue with a nice big stage, good lights, great sound… the private party was just wrapping up and I got there just in time to sign up for the open mic and catch the host’s set. And I’m really, really glad we did. Billy Zenn was a friendly host, ran things clear and smooth – and has one Hell of a voice. Good songs, old beat Yairi, and a voice that just WAILED. Good list of local singer/songwriters and lots of friendly humans in the audience. We played our little hearts out, met some good people and sold some CDs, drank some whiskey and went on our way…

We even made it back “home” in time to play some card games with Jason and Alissa and their other friends. I’ve finally been introduced to Munchkin, which I won despite not really following what the Hell was going on thanks to fatigue, some sort of winter lager, my cold and my cold medicine.

Kristen stumbled off to bed while me and our hosts sat up and chatted until absolute exhaustion settled in and the siren song of our beds became irresistible. Despite being so tired it STILL took me forever to fall asleep – but that’s my way.

Surrounded by the silhouettes of some of Jason’s newly acquired Star Wars figures I tossed and turned and lamented by snotty fate, eventually fading into trouble dreams of drowning…  just in time I’m beginning to really, really, really miss my own bed.

One more night.

As we were wandering Columbus, OH – me still recovering from my cold and Kristen kind of missing the cats and both of us thinking “oh, we COULD spend tonight in our bed tonight…” we’d been planning to stop with our friend Chris Bell of The Weathered Road just south of Pittsburgh and crash with him for the night. However, with all of the above in play PLUS a winter storm hot on our heels we decided to just drop into Chris’ for dinner and then head home. Dinner was delicious, the company even more so – but we headed out and made it home right around midnight. My poor steed hadn’t moved in a month and I was sure that she’d not be starting any time soon – it was still good to see her peeking out from beneath the snow… she was covered again an hour later.

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