March 2nd, 2014.

Another winter storm is headed our way. Probably. It’s always a little tricky to figure out what’s on its way with a news service given to hyperbole and delighting in the delivery of bad news. Still, it looks like all the websites are beginning to come together on this idea that we’ve got another foot of snow on its way for tomorrow. I’ll probably lose my open mic for the night. Though it seems like we’ve been hammered by a lot of winter weather this year I think this’ll only be the fourth event canceled by it. It’s supposed to hit 50 today before the snow starts. I wonder if summer’s going to be as nutty.

Last night we played at Teavolve and it’s got to be one of the first times we’ve ever played a gig there without Rowan. Not that it’s really bringing home a new reality or anything, but the more the Chocolate Drops’ schedule for 2014 unfolds the more I think we’re not going to see much of him. They need to push hard because they’ve got new faces in the band. They’ve got to record a new CD with those new faces. They’ll have to push that new CD hard. Rhiannon is putting out a new solo CD. But she wants the Chocolate Drops to back her on it (presumably the same band, just not as pinned to trad?) – so they’ll be touring hard to support that. A whole lot of impetus that’s going to push their 2014 into being much more intense than I think even Rowan foresaw. He’s trying to figure out how and when he’ll be home. We’re trying to plan around it. My brain is not adjusting to this change very well.

We had a business talk about it. He feels that he wants to maintain his place in the band with us – just that 2014 is going to be complex – and frankly popularity for our percussionist on SOME level translates to interest in his past and popularity for the rest of us… in theory.

I just have to figure out how to put that into a press release that makes ilyAIMY sound as awesome as possible for when he DOES come home!

I feel like my LIFE is a big game of “wait and see” at the moment though, and that’s frustrating. I’ve got a meeting with an open mic venue Tuesday morning to see about something there. After that I am going to have a conversation with Shure about sponsorship for some open mics. Then I’ve got to figure out what I can do to press the Library of Congress thing into an interesting spin.

The show last night was great. It was a little lower-energy perhaps than I would’ve liked, but I was feeling kind of low. I was really excited to perform Strain, but kind of lost the rhythm during the instrumental break, I stumbled on a chord and it came apart right before the discord breakdown which may have just come across as artsy – but I’m revealing the truth in the Journal!  The new song, “Friday”, came across really, really well. Heather held down the percussion and I ALMOST didn’t stumble over any lyrics though I think there was a stanza where I spouted rhythmically and melodically appropriate nonsense… that happens on occasions.

I read once that most of Smashing Pumpkins’ album “Siamese Dream” was released with the lead singer sort of just making mouth noises because he hadn’t really written lyrics to the majority of the songs – it worked for Smashing Pumpkins – at least I’ve WRITTEN lyrics! Eh, I got most of them out of my mouth, but at the moment I’m still a little distracted by how amazing the whole thing sounds with Sharif’s piano and Kristen’s bassline, big and loud.

I’m excited for “Friday” to be in regular ilyRotation.

Okay, enough out of me. It’s a slate grey day and I’ll be at House of Musical Traditions all day. I didn’t sleep but three hours last night so it’s going to take me a little additional run-up to the day. Especially with the distraction of listening to “news radio” that seems to be able to find time for sports and entertainment but hasn’t even mentioned the knife massacre in China…

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