April 7th, 2014.

At the BSA showcase my friend Ken Gutberlet handed me his new CD and much to my surprise I saw Artem Bank’s name as one of the producers on the album! I was also pleased to find other open mic regulars like Evan Manuel credited on the disc!

Someone said something to me last night that kind of blew my mind. I was having one of my seemingly endless altercations about “what a venue said” vs “what a venue did”, and strangely enough… I won the argument. It was actually very similar to something that had happened at another venue recently, and it was basically the same argument. People have come to the venue having been told a particular set of things – i.e. when things are going to start, what’s going to happen, etc. If they show up and ilyAIMY isn’t on stage for another hour, or there’s some other band on the stage, or there’s a $10 cover that no-one knew about, well – the venue doesn’t care, they’ve got those people through the door and once those people have COME through the door they’re probably not going to turn around and go home… they’ll probably sit and have a beer… they’ll have dinner. They’d PLANNED to have dinner.

And so – when a venue does this, we generally don’t go back. Otherwise – why return?

We’ve got options, and we don’t want to bring business to venues that don’t deserve it. But every once in a while, we’ve got to explain it to them.

‘m sort of impressed with how the photographs are lining up. Here’s Dave Mitchell doing one of those unique things that you probably wouldn’t have gone to see – but that occurred at an open mic : performing an old folk tune on an Appalachian mouth harp at Republic in Takoma Park, MD.

The other night was one of those “explain it to them” things. I was told in no uncertain terms “look around, people are happy – right”? And I replied “except for the ones that came for THIS”. The manager came up to me at the end of the night and said he’d thought about what I’d said. He talked about how generally his concern begins and ends with getting people to sit down and order something – and he hadn’t really thought about beyond that. Beyond having to be concerned about people coming for particular events he also said this… and this is the part that blew my mind :

“It never occurred to me before, but I guess you being a musician and all, your word’s pretty important and you’ve got to do what you say.”

I said “I’d SORT of like to think that’s true for EVERYONE!”

One of the more fascinating acts to cross my stage : Community Center performing at the Teavolve Open Mic in Baltimore, MD.

Did I miss something?  Is that NOT the way the world SHOULD be?!  Maybe it’s just the danger of dealing with people inside the Beltway. Too close to DC. Now, don’t get me wrong – on a night where I was basically “quitting” I had the venue “talk me down” and convince me to come back and beyond that I was really impressed with the way the manager thought about what I’d said and how he spoke with me… later, because I liked the way he expressed himself I tracked down his blog and enjoyed reading that too – but I don’t know that I’d EVER encountered someone who thought my viewpoint was quite so alien.

Kristen showing off her cello to curious comers… (March 31st at the Teavolve open mic)

Like… I’ve worked corporate. Shady corporate. I’ve worked government. Military / redacted – type government.  And I’ve worked in the public school system, with police and with artists and in the dread retail. But I’ve NEVER worked the food / restaurant industry except in-as-much as we’ve PLAYED it. If that’s indicative of the mindset there, holy crap – count me out.

Yeah – you do what you say to the best of your ability. I even believe most POLITICIANS at least ATTEMPT to do what they say (though it’s why they try so hard never to be pinned down into saying anything concrete…). Otherwise, doesn’t the world just fall apart?


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