Stopping by with our old friend Mike Duck on the way home – crashing in Bethlehem, PA is ALWAYS Lovely! It’s good to be home – but we’re not quite ready to split off from one another, so ilyAIMY settles in for a bit of Scrabble. About halfway through the game I’m KIIIIIND of wishing we’d just called it a day as Kristen kicks our asses, but fun was still perpetrated. Heather’s mom, Mara had made this quilt for me for my birthday but has been waiting to present it to me in person. It kind of blew my mind – like almost in tears. It’s amazing and has become the most amazing thing to sleep on ever.

Today’s the second annual Takoma Porch and the weather’s perfect. I think it’s supposed to peg 74 degrees or so, it’s sunshiney but with picturesque clouds in the sky and ilyAIMY’s being joined by Bruce Lebovitz today and we’ve not gotten to play with HIM in … in a really long time!
Thursday night Kristen and I went to see Godzilla and it was okay. Last night we tried to eat really healthy. And that was okay too. But then we had dessert. And a snack. Sigh. Not so good at that. But we DID watch Alien to mark the passing of Giger. All-in-all it’s been a beautifully relaxed week and this afternoon looks to be a beautifully relaxed gig with tonight being a pretty relaxed sound gig.
I feel like there hasn’t been much to write about. Things have been…. Calm. This week felt slightly like a vacation even with time at the shop, but a lot of the time at HMT was spent setting up some pick-ticket items that are just fun to organize, and it’s been busy, so it hasn’t dragged. I put together the sound system for the Board and Brew and I’m excited to set that up and put it in place. It’s not quite my DREAM system, but as much of my dream system as TBAB could afford and that I’d want to move on a weekly basis… which is part of the build parameter.

…Think about that for a sec and you’ll see that I’ve got other exciting news coming up soon…
We’re also getting set up to try out a couple of drummers. To clarify : NOT to “replace Rowan Corbett”. If anything, I’m pleased to see that as the Chocolate Drops’ schedule coalesces we get him more than I thought we would, but more because I’m really interested in doing some sonic change up – in exploring some additional options. Call it my midlife crisis and don’t worry about it. If it’s AWESOME it’ll see the light of day at a couple of gigs in a couple of months – and if it’s NOT awesome, you’ll probably not hear too much about it as the idea dwindles and dies…
Of course – scheduling with five people is bad enough…. Even if we DO line up a drummer, we might never all practice together and might never even appear on the same STAGE together.
Okay, I’m pretty much just musing. Wish me luck!
Hee! Joanna looks like a 50’s house wife DREAM as we gather at Sharif’s place for practice. Of course, out of the two of them, SHE’S the one who’s going to WORK right now! (no housewife is she!) Heather playing Parallel Wine Bistrol… Strange – tis the fountain at Parallel Wine Bistro – and all I think as I sit here watching the sun go down behind it is that this is where I sat to fill out my ACA application. The money I’ll save on health insurance this year alone will more than pay for our entire tour out west. Thanks Obama. Me molesting the new parking arm at Parallel’s parking lot. I is a Jedi!
Folkstar opening for us at Teavolve. Great to be able to have them up from North Carolina on May 10th, 2014. Rowan and I getting our groove on as ilyAIMY performs at Teavolve in Baltimore, MD. This was our first show with Rowan back after time with the Carolina Chocolate Drops. I’d be lying if I said it was spotless – but it WAS a LOT of fun. It was just killer to have his energy back in our clutches.