What a marvelous night. I think I’d really needed a break from bar gigs to once again appreciate the bar gig, and tonight’s bar gig was really Lovely. Heather and I had a really relaxed night at Parallel Wine Bistro, meandering through some or less-played originals and as the crowd chilled out at the end of the night, wandering through a bunch of covers that we don’t normally play together as well, allowing me some time to really play guitar…

I Love that feeling – when I feel like I’ve simply sunk into a deeper layer of playing my instrument, a more emotive layer. It was a really delicious evening. Good eye candy – we were good ear candy. I was ‘in the zone’. I feel like I don’t always relax into the zone – tonight I just fell into a beautiful, deep, deep place.

It’s like falling asleep. And for long periods of time I forget how to fall asleep.

Notes include : Rocketman rocks. Hallelujah is highly danceable for children but I don’t understand why. HE can fold napkins faster than SHE. Peanut butter and jelly crème brulee is foul but parmesan fries are absofuckinlutely amazing.  It’s been a good night.

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