An interesting day. We’re headed to Houston to see my brother and his wife, my nephew and my brand NEW nephew, and normally we’d drive right there – but this time around my brother has texted me a series of longitude and latitude coordinates that he’s asked me to go to first. I’m not going to ruin the surprise for myself by googling it, we’re just going to go there and see what we see.
On the way we’ve crossed the bayous of Louisiana and are now into the well-and-truly BORING ASS parts of Louisiana where I-10 just rolls interminably past run down industrial mills and strip malls. The only thing of note is the presence of about a dozen or so federal border patrol vehicles all hidden in trees and crossovers on the highway spread out over the past 20 miles or so. It seems unlikely that they’re employed in speed traps and the concentration implies some sort of Operation. I’m vaguely curious – but as with my brother’s GPS mystery, there seems little to do about it at the moment and I’m inclined to simply let the road roll forth ahead of us.
We’re not too far from the Texas line at this point and I think we’re taking a break when we hit it – I’m grateful for that. Even though this is ‘only’ a four hour drive and we’re more than halfway through it, for some reason this leg seems longer than most.

We’ve hit a couple of patches of traffic, and a rarity : they surprise us. Apparently the GPS’ traffic receiver has burnt out and we’ll be picking up a replacement in Houston. It’s not a big deal, and we have a spare charger, but it’s asinine that the GPS has outlived two chargers by now.
Road, road, road. I think I know what’s on the other end of this journey, but won’t know for sure till I’m there.
Yeah, we’re in THAT part of the country. The cities are alright, but if you want to travel the highways in Texas you just be ready to encounter some anti-science sentiment. Except for where it applies to the roads of course. Interestingly enough I don’t actually get THAT riled up about the removal of theories of evolution from textbooks – simply because I believe a big part of being a teenager is discovering that all of what you’re being taught is BEING MANIPULATED and the teachers just teach you enough to keep you in line and etc… you know, give them a good foundation from which to rebel. Otherwise what are the kids supposed to think about when they discover Pink Floyd and the Doors? Getting through high school’s about regurgitating what you’re fed – but going to high school’s about deciding what you like the taste of for yourself