October 2nd, 2014.

So – I have a LOT of photographs from the State Fair of Texas – and I’ve been trying to figure out the best narrative – so let’s start with the reason why we were going – my cousin Rachael, and her husband Clint – have the award for best tasting fried thing at the Fair this year – and this is a huge deal. Like – when we mention them people know who they are, they’ve been on tv a lot – and even the kids are sick of talking to reporters. Yeah. It’s a HUGE deal. All over a Fried Gulf Shrimp Boil. Albeit this was delicious – but fried food is HUGE at this thing. So maybe we should start with the food… (bear with me – betwixt the Texas State Fair Pictorial and the tale of playing assisted Living homes in Kansas, we’re going to have some dissonance. But I know you, dear reader – you can take it!

Oh, woe is me – I’m a sleepy puppy. A sleepy Bullpup, mayhaps.

Heather and Kristen and I have been running around Coffeyville, KS for the week doing a program on murder ballads and gender roles as part of the Humanities program at Coffeyville Community College. Most have been at senior centres and assisted Living homes, some at the college itself, and today has been at Caney High School where the local sports team, the Bullpups, will be battling the neighboring sports team, the BullDOGS in an ancient form of gladiatorial combat known as foot-the-ball.

It wasn’t till we started doing them that I started feeling the awkwardness of talking about death over and over again to 70 year-olds, or chatting about shootings in a high school. It’s a morbid subject that I think was primarily geared to the idea that were doing mostly COLLEGE presentations, with a couple at a high school and a couple for the older-than-65 set.

mong the many wondrous fried things that we ate off of sticks at the Texas state Fair : this is a Fried Polynesian Luau On A Stick! It was AWESOME!

Meh – no matter. It’s been going swimmingly, though we’re definitely bad at parceling it up properly. Heather’s doing much of the talking (which is just fine, I’d stumble over the talking points a lot, I’m sure) whereas I’m relegated to talking about “bad boys” rather than “bad girls” and Kristen talks a bit more about sex as power…

I’m not quite sure that videos of today are going to work out that well as a proof of concept for this in any other circumstance, but it’s been interesting and we hope to be able to take this as a course of sorts to other colleges. I’d even shopped it around somewhat with this tour, but got no takers – probably for the best because we’re definitely still working out the bugs.

The week HAS been a bit rough – Sunday was a lot of fun and saw us taking a whole day in the sun and the fun of the Texas State Fair – which true to its state, was gigantic. My cousin and her husband both own businesses that have booths there (she runs something called “Fair Hair” which specializes in air-brushed and hair-sprayed top-of-the-head hair sculptures, what they did with MY tresses was truly magnificent, if a littleoverly patriotic for my tastes) and HE being the head of a food stand that had won best-tasting of 2014 at the Fair this year with its Deep Fried Shrimp Boil (which was indeed delicious). But with all the awesomeness, Monday came all-together too soon, especially with a 2pm teaching engagement in Coffeyville, KS and a 6 hour drive betwixt the southern suburbs of Dallas and the geographical centre of the country.

Not fried, but frozen, a simple chocolate covered banana. Delicious! 

Monday saw us getting up and dressing in darkness and packing the car by dawnlight, fighting our way through Dallas’ rush-hour traffic, taking one SHORT seven-minute break in Henrietta (?) Oklahoma before diving headfirst into our program of death and mayhem in front of 5 or 6 dour-faced old women who stared at us for the whole 45minutes. We had a Bible to our right, a hymnal right next to it and we performed using the podium and about Stagger Lee going to Hell and dethroning the devil where normally a minister would lead the weekly prayers. It was especially awkward as I’d been chatting

with one of the women as we were setting up who revealed that they’d had “a sickness” in

the past couple of weeks – she said “oh, normally we just fill these tables, but the sickness took a lot of us these past weeks”…

Meep! Tragedy done struck. We tried to remain upbeat despite the weird aura of the place and did get a few smiles and chatted with an elderly woman named Dorothy… and then threw everything in the car and scooted over to another facility where ANOTHER elderly woman named Dorothy resided with a larger group of women in their 60s, 70s and 80s. They were a lot more engaged (or maybe we were more comfortable?) and we had a great time before retreating to our home for the week at a local motel. We went grocery shopping, did a little bit of wandering and then went “home” and CRASHED.

Heather eating a marvelous mango habanero popsicle. Over the course of the day we also tried my cousin’s Fried Shrimp Boil balls (again, best-tasting Fried Food of The State Fair of Texas!), sriracha balls (awesome!) and really bad alligator on a steek. 

Tuesday was a lot more easy-going with a couple more of these senior home kind of gigs.

It’s amazing how many of them are clustered in the area, and even more amazing how different they all are. The first one on Monday seemed very desolate and joyless and the coordinator who “welcomed” us was all-too-eager to get the Hell out of dodge once it was obvious we knew what we were about and wouldn’t be any trouble. They also had a little dog that ran around but who was rushed hither and tither by the woman in charge.

The second place was a LOT more friendly, with lots of smiles and a much more actively interested community – and one big friendly dog and one grumpy small dog. It was legitimately a lot of fun.

Tuesday and Wednesday ranged from audiences that were ambulatory and actively interested in interacting with us, to people who seemed not aware of our existence and were wheeled from place to place. Some were clean, some were not. One was particularly unpleasant, with alarms going off every couple of minutes where we felt barely tolerated – but the people have been generally really Lovely, and we get the impression we’re a very, very welcome change of pace. We’ve been playing for smiles and a couple of foot taps here and there as opposed to raucous applause and whistling (though a THIRD Dorothy kept yelling “WHOOPEEEE!!!!” from the back of one room) and though I

Oh – and octopus. At which point I might have to explain about the hair, hey?

think I was uncomfortable at first (and I’m definitely still awkward) it’s very gratifying work. I feel like we’re doing something good even if the subject matter’s a little dark.

And we’ve had spare time – always a welcome commodity – we’ve gotten to explore the town a bit and talk to people, delve into the town’s old and recent histories and it’s kind of a fascinating place. The Dalton Gang met it’s end here and they’ll be celebrating that with Defender Days this weekend. There was a huge oil spill that wiped a goodly portion of the section of town we’re staying in off the map giving parts of Coffeyville a ghostly, almost Silent Hill kind of feel, and it’s an old industry town, struggling as big oil and big business do their best to cut costs and remain competitive in a global economy…

An interesting place to have a cluster of a dozen + senior homes.

Back to work though and THIS morning was rough. We had to be at this high school by 7.30am, and it was a twenty minute drive, and we had to stop for fancy coffee – so back that out and we had had to set our alarms for 5.45am in order to get here. And it’d be a long night. Though I fell asleep pretty swiftly, I was woken around 3am by weather alerts from my phone and constant rumbling thunder. It seems like I’d only JUST fallen asleep again and it was time to get up, and driving West from Coffeyville to Caney in the still dark before dawn gave us a bleary-eyed chance to catch the still-ferocious lightning as the lightening of the sky slowly woke us up.

My cousin Rachael photographing the end product. It was said I brought in much business to Fair Hair that day…

The school is tiny, and the populace kind of subdued, but everyone’s friendly enough. We’ve got two more classes now and then we’re done with the day – at which point we will be at the precise midpoint of our time on the road – 22.5 days – with 22.5 days to go and 2/3 of the miles yet ahead of us it’s nice to spent this precise middle moment sort of stationary.

From here we go West to Colorado, and I think this is the warmest day we can expect going forward.  From here going west and north it’ll get colder and colder till we hit the coast – at which point Fall will be taking over to push KEEP the temperatures down. It should be crisp and autumnal when we get back, just under a week before Halloween and Heather’s birthday. Not a bad way to beat the end of Summer. Not a bad way at all.

Below – a ton of photos from The State Fair of Texas in Dallas, TX. It covers about the same area as the University of Maryland, College Park. i.e. it’s HUGE.

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