January 26th, 2015.

First ilyAIMY show of the year! ilyAIMY at Teavolve with Bruce Lebovitz on fiddle!
Sue has come to visit us from Belleville, IL – and it’s awesome to see her! At first we’d been thinking it was going to be a pretty relaxed week and we’d have to be pretty clever to keep Susan occupied. Then the time started to fill up. First night in town? I was the featured artist at Acoustic Soul. Above – January 8th – Susan and Heather at Peace and A Cup Of Joe in Baltimore, MD to see ME!

Huh. I played 199 shows in 2014. I must be getting old.

I’m very grateful for how much we’ve been able to use youtube and Facebook and whatever else for free for our music, but I don’t know that I feel like I get to gripe too much when they change their EULA’s and monetization strategies…”indie” and “punk” used to mean Xeroxing your own tape covers, burning your own CDs and having DIY folding parties – now it means having a cool video that’s gotten a lot of hits and getting a lot of likes without someone’s branding on your gear… except everyone forgets the youtube and the FB and the soundcloud BRAND that we’re all beholden to.

Youtube recently (last year) altered their music monetization contract and there’s confused uproar about it. I don’t think many people seem to understand the changes. Hell, I don’t entirely get it. But people who gripe a lot about it need to remind themselves that almost every single one of these services has that phrase “these terms can be changed at any time” without warning, without reason. Most have a clause stating that they’ll inform their users in a timely fashion. Some don’t.

Peace and a Cup a Joe is tiny but PACKED every Thursday for Marc Avon Evans’ Acoustic Soul – the energy in here is frenetic and fantastic. Put it on the list of Best Open Mics out there. Period.

Now, the question “what should I do about YouTube” – if Zoe Keating writes a blog post griping about it and explaining the problem that’s one thing, but if she DOES pull her music explaining to her fans why – well, I have to explain to my fans over and over again that I don’t HAVE the budget to make sure they see all my FB posts – but my little voice doesn’t matter. If someone bigger comes along goes back to JUST their mailing list, explaining why they’ve dropped Facebook – or yeah, gets someone to code their own video sharing platform rather than sticking with YouTube – that could actually make a difference. Trent Reznor kicking things off with that first “pay-what-you-will” album started us down a slippery slope of ALL music being based on gratuity rather than being valued…. and this is just another facet of that.

A follow up – since Zoe posted her blog entry, youtube / google actually replied that most of which she was saying about the new music program was untrue, implying that most of her issues are perhaps being caused by her management’s policies / interpretation of google’s policies rather than google’s actual contract…

One of Amy’s desires after purchasing a new house was to have a PLOJ there – and indeed, it’s working out well. PLOJ 2.1 was a lot of fun and we played a LOT of golden oldies, going through the rob books, Brennan books and danzimmerman.net for songs that haven’t seen the light of day in near a decade. I think Susan was in heaven. January 10th in Catonsville, MD.
Monday I received a call from a local promoter asking if I can pick up a last-minute show at Bethesda Blues and Jazz… for Sunday night… with the whole band. I told him I’d look into it. Fortunately Sharif came to the open mic that night. And Rowan answered his phone. And Kristen was there. And Heather did too. We could all make it, the price was right – now we just had to make a decent showing at a huge room with ZERO spare time to promote. But that DID mean that Susan was going to get to see full-band ilyAIMY for the first time ever?

I actually have an awful lot to say about this, but my brain isn’t wrapping around it right now. I’m a tiny artist. Youtube HAS changed how their music monetization program works recently, and there seems to be a lot of confusion over it. Very broadly speaking, it boils down to the idea that you’ve got to have an entity taking on the role of a label doing the monetization negotiation for you, and that truly “independent” artists aren’t going to have the leverage to brook these contracts (interestingly, if ASCAP and BMI and SESAC weren’t so busy suing mom & pop coffeeshops, isn’t this the kind of royalty collection that they’re MEANT for?!?!). For me, it means the difference betwixt quite literally pennies over the next YEAR – which I won’t see paid out because of how minimum payouts are worked out… for bigger artists like Zoe and the hundreds or thousands of artists that are touring, doing well in their careers but truly aren’t radio giants or supported by major industry labels it perhaps DOES effect hundreds or even thousands of dollars in income – and well, they’ve got some real choices ahead of them – and I mean that in both a positive and a negative way. Because beyond choices to make, they’ve got options. Larger fanbases to leverage, more money to work with – more tech-savvy fanbases to turn to create a new and DIFFERENT solution and become truly fan-supported and “independent” again.

And I’ll put “independent” in quotes one last time, because no matter how indie we are, as performing artists we’ll ALWAYS be dependent on the fans that listen and friends that support – and the smaller we are (and ilyAIMY’s pretty damned small) the more the line between those two support bases blur.

Back to the grind with me.

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