February 12th, 2015.

A really amazing entity showed up at my open mic this week – Got Sol? from Washington DC, who I booked based on a video I’d stumbled across online at Teavolve, came out to check the place out and to advertise. They were stunning. At Teavolve in Baltimore, MD – February 9th, 2015.
The first night out on our last tour, Kristen spotted The Gwar Bar in Richmond and we decided that would be a great place for our first dinner together. Despite names like Scum Dogs and Jizz Mac and Cheese, the food was really, really good – and despite being owned by and themed after Gwar, the decor wasn’t nearly as marvelous as you’d expect, with only a couple of helmet lamps, giant swords and blood splatters paying homage to the origins of the place.

And we’re off! The first wandering of 2015 is a brief one, off to an area of the country that Kristen and I hit up about a year ago, but that we’ve not gone to as “ilyAIMY” in… well, a very long time. We’ve always got that initial battle to face – getting the Hell out of dodge. We managed to make it out of Baltimore’s gravitational well sans too much difficulty, and the DC beltway treated us with kid gloves. However, now we’re on I-95, struggling our way out of Washington’s circle of congestion down south of 495 and we’re reduced to stop and go and 20mph crawls. The forests stretch away from me with naught but newly constructed Towne Centres and cloned over-sized homes barely hidden behind the branches, lurking just out of sight. Their absurd price tags and pseudo-rural settings attracting the masses moving in herds around us with the promise of a beautiful 8 – 10 hours of downtime before it’s time for the morning commute.

The mass migration of those around us disgusts me. Probably one in five of them really needs to be on the road right now – the remainder should’ve been allowed to telecommute. That number will only increase in the years to come, but I’m sure this trafficky blight on the nation’s capital will only get worse and worse and worse.

We just got done listening to Rhiannon Giddens’ album – this is the disc that Rowan and the rest of the Carolina Chocolate Drops will be supporting for most of this year – one of these tunes is what they did on Letterman’s Late Night show on Tuesday night to great acclaim. Rhiannon’s voice is stunning and the last track especially is really awesome.

Now we’re listening to the first of the rough recordings of what the Novelists are doing to one of Heather’s songs out in Reno, NV – that’s pretty awesome too. We’re also chatting about what WE’LL be recording soon – all sorts of stuff, and the beauty and power of what I’m listening to is inspiring.

The sun’s working its way down, the traffic is freeing up, and we’re well on our way to Richmond before heading back inland to make our way towards Durham and the Triangle in North Carolina.

It’s good to be in motion again.

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