March 18th, 2015.

I’d like to say we crash with friends, but generally we’re REALLY crashing with our friends’ cats.

Feeling tense. Bad dreams more than anything else. I’m a little behind in getting things done, but I’m often a little behind in getting things done. Stupid open mic stress dreams, I guess they’re my equivalent to people who dream about working in the office or whatever – you know, just generalized work anxiety. Listening to mediocre music in my dreams is bad enough without dreaming that I can’t control the muddiness of it.

Monday night’s open mic at Teavolve was really fabulous. We’re deep into that place where I’m having to tell people that the list is filled up, great performers are just about a constant, but I’m definitely beginning to wonder to myself why I go through all the trouble with the webcast and everything. Viewership has dropped off and I only get a dozen or so watchers nowadays. There’s always a big blip with out-of-towners – I think it may be that my URL isn’t as easy anymore, which is a frustration. I just need a fifteen free minutes to work out the old URL and make that function properly and maybe we’ll make it easy for people again.

Heather sound checking at Hollins University in Roanoke, VA.
Yeah, by the end of the last tour Heather’s drum was DONE. I’d already called my friend Brian Weber for an appointment to rehead the poor beest.

My old friend Andrew Luttrell came out to Teavolve – it was a thrill to see him walk through the door, though I’m kind of annoyed that out of ALL of my friends I’m the one who’s the greyest… vain I know but…

Last night’s open mic at The Board and Brew was NOT as fulfilling, though I really can’t decide if that’s legitimately the night or if it was more the depression that settles on me whenever I’m truly not getting anything LIKE enough sleep. There was a really killer piano player that showed up out of the blue, and I tried out my new song again (I got goaded into trying it at Teavolve too) – I hope the former comes and back and the latter… well, the latter will surely get better. I was sloppy by the end of the night and I was aware of my attention span wavering, but also aware of really, really, really needing to play.

Ugh – and as a side note : Saint Patrick’s Day anywhere near the University of Maryland is just stupid. Driving in I had to deal with a couple of cars that were obviously already a little inebriated. In just walking from my car to the Board and Brew I passed three kids throwing up – and that was at five in the afternoon. The drive home on route one involved a lot of defensive driving. I guess too much police presence around Looney’s would be bad for the school’s image? Ugh.

Well. Hopefully the tension will fade down. It’s a pretty relaxed weekend and I’ll be able to catch up on some work here and there – posters for April go out today and I realized that my version of “behind” (a couple of holes in my calendar in May that I kind of want to keep, actually, holes in my calendar in July and August that I need to start working on… ) isn’t as bad as some peoples’…

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