We’re on our way home from Philadelphia. I must admit, I’d hope that this would’ve been happening about an hour ago, but it was well worth it. Also a good reminder that we’re really only two hours from Philly – and that’s with a touch of traffic to boot. The City of Brotherly Love really isn’t too far from Charm City, and we ought to make that trip more often.
Mosno Al-Moseeki and I played JJ Tizou’s house concert tonight with two other pretty spectacular acts. JJ’s house concert has really firmed up in the six or seven years since we last performed there. (is that possible? That CAN’T be possible… yet I think the last time we played there it was where we met Gillian Grassie… no… it was where we RE-met Gillian? Shit – see – this is what happens when I travel without Heather. I get discombobulated and have no access to my extended ilyMemory).
Well, the drive up was alright though we got a little turned around. And the show itself was … was just wow. Quite literally a full house. Even two cats and a sleepy pit bull puppy. It was a really, really great night. Go listen to Griff’s House. Like… now. I wonder if it’ll come across nearly as well recorded. Live they are stunning. Killer harmonies, frenetic and precise playing. I’m out of words for the night, but crazy-good.
the audience at JJ Tizou’s house concert is hard to show off because the angles are so bizarre… but you’re getting the idea. really blown away by this trio from Richmond, VA – Griff’s Room was tight, Chris Thiele-esque, with stunning harmonies. And below : Jacob Augustine’s band from Maine was a sonic surprise – very Palace Brothers.
By now we’re basking in the lights of Baltimore, almost home again. Sleepy but satisfied. Only two hours but with $16 in tolls one way, probably worth it to make it a longer drive. The way up was showered with some ilyAIMY recording taste tests. The way home has been Portishead, Bjork and Jean Rohe. It’s a good mix. And it’s a good sign. Getting pretty sleepy. I’ve got to get up in about six hours to do that whole HMT thing. I was dumb. Should’ve called out but…
But Hell – I haven’t made the big announcement! Not that it’s really mine to make – but Brennan Kuhns just had a second kid! Welcome Mitchell to the world everyone! He’s definitely extended ilyFamily and with Brennan popping out his first son they probably can’t afford to have me calling out of the House right at this moment. Sleepy and present is probably better than home and in bed since Brennan will be attending to more important matters.
And speaking of big announcements – one that IS mine : ilyAIMY won a WAMMIE! Dave Eisner texted me from the awards ceremony Sunday night to break the news that the year we DIDN’T go we’d won! Huzzah! 2014 : WAMMIE for best Contemporary Folk Group! Huzzah twice! We’ve been nominated for various awards from the Washington Area Music Association, but I’d long given up hope of ever actually winning – but not only did we take that, but Kristen’s other band, Lulu’s Fate, got a WAMMIE for best Debut Album! I’ll take some credit for that too since I did the package design.
Okay, enough out of me. The lights of Baltimore are fading imperceptibly into the lights of Catonsville and THAT means the lights of home, which will shortly be going out. I’ve got Grave Grime on my teeth and fatigue whispering sweet nothings in my head. Glad to be home again.