I’m ready to Rock the Dock!!!.

I’m sitting in the back this time.

Since at our furthest point West we’re actually splitting up with Heather continuing on to Reno, NV and Kristen and I turning back East, we’re taking the Weasel-mobile.

Kristen doesn’t drive stick, I don’t want to do ALL the driving on the way home. We take the Elantra. QED. And so the ladies are up front and I’m trying to keep myself occupied in the back. Everyone’s happier when I’m occupied.

West bound on I70 is probably something we could do with our eyes closed, though of course that’s inadvisable, over the years it IS a stretch of highway we know like the back of our hands, but somehow it’s all different from the back seat. We’re listening to a mix CD that one of Heather’s friends made her and it’s taking us on a nostalgia-trip with occasional forays into new-to-us material. It’s kind of fun to have someone else’s curated playlist for a change, and after this we’ve got another thing that a friend of Heather’s has recently introduced us to : Anais Mitchell’s Hadestown which is the single most inspirational thing I’ve heard since the discovery of Superbob. After that we might have to experiment with Spotify which I’ve recently realized is pretty amazing…

The rains have been insane but it looks like we’ve got a break in the weather to make a break for the west. I hope we get to play outside tonight, but I’ve lost all faith in meteorology and figure we’ll just have to wait and see.

So – Ana and I headed out of Mountville Folk Festival none too long after I played because we were getting tornado warnings and Armageddon on the horizon. As we pulled out this little guy was wishing us luck – and with the Hare Assist we actually rode ahead of the storm the whole way home, watching dramatic spears of lightning skewer the sky ahead of us and stroboscopic lightning flickering behind. Kristen had played about 30 miles north of me and 30 minutes later and drove in the thick of it for the whole 2+ hours drive home. I don’t know that I breathed properly till she got to the door, bedraggled and soaked!

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