Ugh. For whatever reason it’s a grey day. I guess one could argue for the straightforward reasons: stupid stuff like atmosphere and wind and maybe even pressuresboth low and high… But it feels like something deeper is going on. Emails that highlight misunderstandings, missed timings with everything from barcrowds to sunshine to gator feedings to street cleaning. There are definitely days when you feel like not only can you not catch a break, but you don’t deserve one.
Savannah is an absolutely beautiful city, but I worry that it’s going to get caught up in mental baggage and angst. Maybe there is something inherently melodramatic hidden in these old graves, ghost stories and Spanish moss. Maybe its proximity to the art school?

Our friend Craig runs the open mic where we featured last night and he put us up too. A solid player with a beautifully calm demeanor, he’s at home down here, but even he’s talking about moving to Texas and the things he craves point out one of the great things about this country that I think a lot of our polarized stupidity doesn’t grasp: There’s an awful lot of space for ALL of us. It’s one of the great things about all these states floating around. For all that I think the Supreme Court did a great thing in legalizing gay marriage across all the states recently, I’m not sure that it did the “right” thing as it applies to America – what I kind of wish (if rob were PRESIDENT, rather than KING) were that two utopian laws could go into effect.
- You can have an opinion if it effects you: every citizen gets an arbitrary time period in which to form opinions about some statewide or even nationwide referendums – LIKE gay marriage, like legalizing drugs, like EPA regulations on coal factories. Then they get to write a little essay explaining how that issue actually affected them during that time – and if it didn’t affect them, they get to shut the fuck up. (gays didn’t ruin their marriage, a nuclear power plant didn’t irradiate their backyard… whatever)
- You get to move free once every five years if you can show that a particular state matches your belief system better than where you are: frankly, as Americans we’ve kind of won a lottery already. By the accident of birth you’ve got (mostly) clean water, cleanish air, a semi-functioning police force protecting most of your rights … a myriad of (tangled) government programs to take advantage… but state-by-state things are vastly different. You hate giving your hard-won money to those other towns’ school systems? Move to Texas where it’s tightly localized! Wanna smoke marijuana? Move to Colorado! Don’t want to pay income tax? Move to Florida… any number of many things are so very, very different from state to state to state and as vagrant wanderers we get to see that – Hell, just the fact that 100k buys you an AMAZING house in Dallas and buys you a shack in Washington DC
Whatever. If wishes were horses – ilyAIMY would ride.

It’s a grey day in Savannah, the only creature keeping me company right now is a balding that towers over me as I’m sitting to write this. We were warned of his existence and convinced of his harmlessness. When we crept into the house tonight there was no noise until we actually entered the house at which point Luther engaged in a WHOLE lot of barking, snapping and snarling… but he wasn’t going to get off the couch. It was clear that this was HIS couch and we were not to invade it until we’d been officially introduced. After that he’s been just about the sweetest, if longest, dog you could want.
And grey. Everything is grey this day.