October 30th, 2015.

The weather outside is stunning
And I should be out there sunning
But since we have naught to do
Hit the snooze, hit the snooze, hit the snooze.

Yeah, I was up till 6am this morning. 5 or so the day before. It’s getting to be a habit. I’m definitely flipping my sleep schedule over and it’s making anything that happens before noon kind of tricksy. But of course, part of the reason my sleep schedule has been flipping over is that I don’t HAVE anything to do before noon any more. At the moment I have no hours on the floor at House of Musical Traditions – I’m doing web work from home (though my work ethic for that isn’t exactly what it ought to be – definitely a product of inexact goals) and we don’t have any travel planned till NEXT weekend, so no reason to get up early looms and … well, maybe my internal clock will go ALLLL the way around.

Last night’s band practice was sort of like herding cats, but we DID get our Muppet music nailed down. I’m eager for tomorrow – and even more eager since we’ll have Rowan on stage with us. It’s going to be a packed stage – here’s to hoping it’ll also be a packed room! *clink*

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