Saturday May 7th saw me doing a solo appearance at the Laurel, MD street festival. The place was absolutely packed. Unfortunately I had no time for fest food – just roll in, park, play, roll out and roll on

It’s a frustrating day. Basically I had a meeting with a client in the morning, and I’ve got a board meeting in the evening – both down in the Takoma Park area. And then I’d hoped to sandwich that with a mom visit, or a full work day followed up with a little exploration of Silver Spring.

This has not come to pass. Fortunately, the client meeting, though earlier than I’d like (11am) ran longer than I’d planned (1.30pm) and then I was able to hang out for about an hour and a half before I couldn’t sit still any longer. Then I picked up some needed items from House of Musical Traditions before moving on to Silver Spring by about 4… And Silver Spring got me NOWHERE. As a matter of fact I’ve been practically driving in circles ever since. Rush hour, coupled with construction and my general unfamiliarity with the area turned what I’d PLANNED for : i.e. a 20 minute drive to a parking garage in Silver Spring, from where I’d go to a book store and a game shop, maybe have dinner and spend some time at another coffeeshop – into a nightmarish two hour drive which has ended up with me sitting in a park back in Takoma Park, just glad to have survived the drive.

May 11th in Frederick, MD.

Yeah, this area – driving’s not for the faint of heart. S h u d d e r – once again I should give both Heather and Kristen shoutouts for generally doing all the driving! Sheesh. I mean, traffic was just stupid, the two coffeehouses that I DID roll into were too packed to even get into, and now I’m sitting in an, albeit beautiful, park – pretty much back here I started. Fortunately it’s beautiful. Fortunately it’s dry.

In another hour I can head on over BACK to Silver Spring to the meeting I’m supposed to be attending, but in the meantime…. Man, I just want to sit and glare at my car.

Kristen and I took one of our rare days off to go visit Homestead Gardens in Davidsonville, MD. One of my favourite places, the gardens and greenhouses there verge on the spiritual. We were hunting small green things and Kristen came away with a couple of air plants and I placed an order for a couple of Venus Flytraps. We dreamed of trees and growing things.

A low-flying helicopter reminds me that despite my immediately idyllic environment, I’m in a relatively high-crime area on the edge of the nation’s capital directly under the main aerial passage from Washington DC to BWI. Methinks I’ll not let it worry me.

Unfortunately, one of my favourite roads in Davidsonville was flooded out and we had to make do with lesser paths.

ilyAIMY has TWO fullish band shows this weekend (Saturday all six of us, Sunday, we’re missing Rowan) and though I’m really looking forward to it, I’m vaguely worried that we’re not entirely ready for them. I’m planning for them, and that’s just about all I CAN do. Forewarned is forearmed, I suppose. I’m slightly worried that we’re overly ambitious introducing 4 brand new songs and 2 brand new arrangements. I’m not going to worry about it TOO much because even on our worse day… but I’ll be recording and it’d be nice to go back and be like “damn… we’re amazing” as opposed to “damn, I think I missed that verse”. Saturday at New Deal will be marvelous, period. Sunday at the Bethesda Arts Festival is a little more strenuous with two hours, no break, facing us down.

No problem, no problem, no problem!

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