Dan Blakeslee being charming at the New Deal Cafe. 

Ugh. Sleep was not satisfying last night. I snuggled down and read, curled in blankets (I’m so grateful for this extended cool weather), and slowly drowsed through a couple of chapters. Finally it was time for lights and books down and…

Blissful unconsciousness was harshly interrupted by the neighbour’s barking dog. 2.30am. Champ the Deathwish Dog was still barking at 3am when I finally get up and get my earplugs. Slumber folds back across my battered body but then it’s just a night of half-remembered nightmares culminating in waking up clawing at my ponytail holder thing convinced it’s a giant spider. That got my heart racing. Happy 5am! Adrenaline’s not conducive to sleep but exhaustion’s not conducive to consciousness and “stupor” is probably the best word for the next couple of hours before my alarm finally went off.

I’m not really feeling up to the task of attacking the world this day. Erf.

You know, this town’s kinda awesome.

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