I proposed to Kristen last night. Well – early this morning. It was kind of a rambly thing – dangerously close to not-romantic – but she said yes and that’s the important part! I don’t know that I have too much else to say about it right now. We don’t have a date yet! Hush! The ring is awesome.

I’d been trying to do this for about two weeks, walking around with the ring in my pocket, eager for a moment to simply present itself, but as every romantic peak threatened, something would dash against it and leave it feeling melodramatic or sour. It was like C-3P0 was dogging me, interrupting every almost-kiss with obvious observations. Frustrate with it all, after our show at Villain and Saint I started explaining everything and I don’t think she really caught on to what I was doing until I’d finally gotten down on one knee…

Our friend Susan was in town and I didn’t wait for a moment while we were alone. Hell, Sue’s family so it sort of felt right in any case. She got all teary and Kristen got all smoochy… it was a good night. I like seeing the ring on her. Now, for the REST of our Lives….

upComing & inComing

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